Why won't my computers talk to eachother?


Jan 8, 2001
Okay, I have two computers. One is running XP Professional, the other is running 98. The XP box has two NIC cards, one leading to my Roadrunner cable modem, the other leading, by crossover cable, to the 98 based system. I cannot get them to communicate by TCP/IP in any way. I ended up installing NETBEUI on the XP system; now file sharing/print sharing is functional. However, this isn't useful to me as my main intention was to connect by TCP/IP and use ICS... I've tried the network config wizard, and manual configuration in XP many times now, and I've tried setting up the 98 box for a network connection with the XP cd... nothing seems to work. Pinging from one to the other times out. Actually, on the 98 box I can't even ping its own IP, which leads me to think the problem is there somewhere. Does anyone have suggestions, ideas, anything on why Netbeui is working happily and TCP/IP is dead as a doornail? Thanks.


Senior member
Oct 2, 2001
they are racist!


If ping is working then you are not set up right...

oh and if you cant see in the wrk group try //computername when you got filesharing an shares set.


Jan 8, 2001
Er, like I said, ping doesn't work. Also, both computers have folders shared. As I said, I can see and access them when I have NETBEUI enabled. It's just that once TCP/IP is enabled, I get nothing. Network Places can't access anything aside from it's own shared places. Actually, from what XP seems to indicate, by TCP/IP alone, no packets of data have been sent by the other comp.


Senior member
Sep 29, 2000
Here is how I got my Lan working after I switched from a PPPoE to STatic Ethernet DSL.
My complete TCP/IP was trashed (by other software) and took help and much learning thanks to Woodie.

Gateway (XP with Ethernet connected to one NIC, other NIC connected to hub).
Protocols under TCP/IP:
1. Client for MS networks
2. File and print sharing
3. NWlink for Netbios
4. NWlink for Ipx/netbios/other

Go to TCP/IP properties and set your IP address manually to

Leave Gateway alone if it will let you. If not enter

Since i have a static connection, I used my DNS server address from my Ethernet NIC found by the command from dos prompt: "ipconfig /all" or from properties of you Ethernet connection if you can get it.
will be some no. like Will also have an alternate (if it is a static connection). If pppoe, will not have that and hyou will have to use the Auto DNS config.

Then continue to set your DNS, WINS properties:
check: Append Primary Connections specific Dns suffix
check : Apend parent sufficxis of primary DNS suffic

WINS: check: Use netbios from DHCP servers
Enable LMhost lookup.
check you TCP filtering to permit all for now.

Once you do this, use XP's setup to create a floppy disk to set up the client machines.

For my W2k machine, the setup doesn't work. If you need that setup, let me know.

I go thru a hub and share files with a dual boot machine: W2k/XP. When set up W2k, the DHCP gave the NIC on the client a different address than when I was logged in as XP, even though they both use the same computer name and workgroup.

ZoneAlarm gave sharing problems so be sure to cut off all firewall until you get up.

Hope this helps.



Jan 8, 2001
After many headaches, I've finally got them both playing nice. 98 wasn't seeming to recognize the NIC card in winipcfg for some reason. I ended up upgrading that comp to XP... everything is functional now. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone.


Senior member
Oct 13, 1999
It seems that there are some problems networking XP and 98. I have tried to do it with two computers, using static IP's and still haven't got them connected. I have Win ME on one computer and it networked fine. I have done a search and found others with problems connecting XP and 98. So, I really don't have an answer, just an observation.