why was this guy banned?


Golden Member
Dec 14, 1999
i have an email from hercules who was banned from this board yesterday. do you all think this is unfair? you can search his previous posts. i think his letter explains his position well.

i think he did have some weird POVs, but nothing he said should have gotten him banned. Especially, as he mentions, the amount of derogatory comments that have been let go in the last couple of days. I thought this board was above this kind of stuff.

Yes, I?m banned from the Anandtech boards, thanks for your concern though.

I actually emailed the moderator about what exactly I did say wrong, and anti-American, and I?ve been sifting through my posts to find out what it could be.

All of my information and posts were directed only to help people understand why it was done, and why we must understand those things. Why we need to understand what Palestinians have gone through, and what the US government has done to them over the last 40 years.

This is so there are no more acts of violence, as many of my Muslim friends have already been attacked, harassed, etc. I get upset for ignorance to be able to throw its weight around the forums, and I have seen no effort of the mods to clear up what may seem anti-Semitic to Palestinians and Muslims. ?Bomb them all? or ?Kill the Towelheads? etc has been noted by myself many times and I have only tried to make my best effort to help people realize and awaken them to the truth of what is going on and the circumstances behind it. Alas though, my tongue has been tied, and I cannot do my part for Muslim Americans on this board.

I just hope that the moderator can start banning the ?bomb them? and ?beloved patriot? remarks, as those promote a lot more hatred and violence than my posts do. I may have upset some opinions, but I have not caused any reason or initiative for others to go harass or assault others in my posts. Countless others have.

If you can forward this along, it would be nice.
