Why the heck is my UNDERCLOCKED p3 so darn hot!?


Platinum Member
Jul 23, 2000
I previously ran my P3 800EB at 1050MHz/175FSB w/ my Kryotech Renegade cooling case, and recently decided to dump the Renegade for a regular HS/fan. I bought the SVC Goldengate copper hs w/ a quite 28.8 dcb 25CFM 60mm fan. I've heard great things about the Goldengate and was confident I wouldn't have any problem even with a small marginal overclock. So anyway I applied Artic Sliver on the CPU core & slapped on the HS/fan and booted up my computer. It appears to run 800MHz fine... until I start encountering problems and freezeups. I reboot and take a look at my temps which are about 60-70 C! Scorching!!! I checked the hs/fan to make sure it was installed correctly and if the fan was working, and everything appeared to be fine. So now I'm forced to run at an underclocked speed of 600MHz and at hot temps in the mid 50's, not even on full load (and that is pretty darn hot for a p3)... what could possible be wrong here? Could my CPU's heat tolerance have lowered significantly with the Renegade case? Not like the Renegade was THAT cool...


Senior member
Jan 7, 2001
Either the HSF isn't seated correctly, you didn't use thermal compound, or your case ventilation is terrible. Not much else that could be going on here.

My P3@1050Mhz with 1.95V only runs at 41-42C with a 19CFM Sanyo Denki fan on an Alpha 6035, so I'd expect temps around that for your setup if not lower. Double and triple check things.


Aug 29, 2001
My guess is that from the last huge overclock your voltage is still up to high (?)(not sure if you can set that.. I never had a AMD system)



Golden Member
Mar 22, 2000
How long did it run fine @800? Can you boot after a while of resting at 1050? I would install MBM and see how long it takes it to get hot. Also monitor the case temp to see if its rising at the same pace. If so put some flow in the case ;)

The thing about the renegade is its not dumping the heat into the case. Its pouring it to a radiator which is then dumping the heat out of the case. Sounds like what Def said. Case temps rising.


Feb 25, 2001
my friend has a 1gig Plll w/c used to idle at 52C, with his cramped case. I gave him my modded psu and it went down to 29C idle. told him hot air was just circulating inside his case and can't get out. you need to do same thing. need to exhaust that hot air.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2001
All that I have seen about the thin finned copper heatsinks is they don't seem to perform great until a high pressure fan is put on it, but anyway your temps are not even reasonable for a P3 800 with retail hsf (using the pad). I would guess your clip is on backwards or something along those lines. It should be able to cool 30-40 watts with no real issue. I would look for something holding your hsf off of the core on one side or way too thick an installation of thermal compound. These are all guesses, but something is wrong. Those are abnormal temps.

For an example of your hsf being held up, I had to sand the edge off of a PAL6035 because the sockets opening bar was above the edge on the slotket I used and was holding an edge up. Just look around your socket really carefully. The clips part that pushes on the heatsink should be centered over where the core should be.

Anyway good luck figuring it out.


Platinum Member
Jul 13, 2000
Did you lower the voltage back to normal settings? It sounds like the hsf could not be on properly, because those temps are definately way too high for a p3 800.