Originally posted by: dbarton
It seems wasteful to have 12% (default) of every drive held up on system restore, especially since it seems to do nothing if a drive is only a data drive.
Think of all the wasted HD space in the world.
I get 120g back just by shutting it.
Then why leave it at default?
I have always triple booted
Now as follows...........
C;\Xp SP3 X86 30GB
D:\Xp SP2 X64 30GB (nothing internet)
E:\Win 7 7600 X64 30GB (Monday)
Restore is set to 2%, which is plenty for a coupla months
I only install tools and utilities and basic apps to O/S partition, like winzip winrar Firefox etc.
Then I split up F and G evenly between remaining space
So on WD 640 its 30/30/30/275/275 (base 10)