sure people have different parameters , but I would like to think that thedifference between geforce3 cards ain't that big , and since anandtech already does the reviews , I'm quite sure you could post the result of a "shootout" in a quick and dirty "top10" , if then you would like to read the whole review go ahead and click the link to the review. but if you're in a hurry (yes it actually does happen that I'm required to find parts with an houras notice) it would be nice to just go here and pick stuff without the hassle of reading the otherwise very good reviews posted on this site.
demanding person: hmmm I want a new machine and I want it now , you there make me one , you have 15 minutes to get the parts before the shops close and I want the best of the best or you're fired.
me: sure thing boss man , let me pick up some info and I'm off / clicks into anandtech , goes to the quickpick top10 list / hmm ok this and this and this and this , print me a shopping list , done!
off to the store / picks this and this and this and this , goes to counter , pays , and I'm off.
time 20-30 minutes
wouldn't that be neat ?
I'm not saying I would buy a machine for myself this way , but just to get an overview , it would be nice.