Why is the forum search, so gaddam slow!


Senior member
Jun 8, 2001
I"m trying to search archived posts on Windows XP, through the search and the damn thing takes forever, and more. I remeber i tried to search something a couple of weeks ago, and it was slow back then too! What's causing this?


Elite Member
Feb 27, 2001
Do you happen to realize how many people are using this service?

If you don't I think you need to step back and see how many people do.

If you're a subscriber you have every right to question, if not, well don't bitch since it's free.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< If you're a subscriber you have every right to question, if not, well don't bitch since it's free. >>

Oh please. Anyone can bitch. That is the magic of the Internet :).

To answer your question though Riddleman - the whole dang forums.anandtech.com is slow. Why would the search be fast? Was it half a year ago when the forums started crapping out last time? Anyway, the servers were upgraded and stuff was poked and prodded and the speed picked up again. Then a month or two ago the subscriber system was implemented and the server(s) you and I are using for free got capped so the bandwidth usage went down or at least stayed the same instead of going up.

So the choice is:

1) subscribe
2) leave
3) do neither but get annoyed by the slowness and seldom use the forums
4) wait a couple months and see if most people do #2 and if the speed picks up

$2.50/month isn't much but I haven't decided yet...


Apr 23, 2000
There's that old saying again.. "You get what you pay for."

Not paying anything, don't expect anything, simple as that! Applies to free anything, be it forums, email service, whatever. ;)

And, yes, I am subscribed. :)


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< There's that old saying again.. "You get what you pay for."

Not paying anything, don't expect anything, simple as that! Applies to free anything, be it forums, email service, whatever. ;)

And, yes, I am subscribed. :)

Well I agree to a degree :))) but I do think that this ignores the fact that just being here a person is part of a community. It doesn't really matter in the end who foots the bill. Other sites are able to function without a subscriber base. I'm not argueing against it and I understand why it was done and I have no problem with it but I do think people should feel free to discuss what is on their mind no matter whether they are subscribers or not(*)...

It's comments like:

<< If you're a subscriber you have every right to question, if not, well don't bitch since it's free. >>

That are off base and just not very useful. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be made but other people should have no fear about pointing out the obvious holes in these types of statements.

*(and yes, I know, I'm king of the run on sentence)