OK, I have to upgrade my 1.8A and plan on buying a 2.8-3.4 P4 (depending on the price). SO I start reading about Prescott and people seems to be really scared of Prescott, becouse of the heat it can generate (at least the bigger ones, 3.2->) So I think, OK I buiy a nothwood instead and starts browsning the stores in sweden. But it seams that Murphy is visiting me BC its not that easy to fin a Northwood these days. I cant find a single shop that that can sell a Northwood 2.8 to me at once. So I wonder, Is Presott the only way now AND do I really need to be afraid of the heat it generates. I got a Abis MB and a Alpha heatsink. AND which is the best Prescott (If I dont need tio be afraid of them)? I have seen that the 2.8 generates less Watt, is that true? PLEASE! I would really need som professional advise on this one. I I do go with intel again, it seems thers only ONE WAY, and it is Prescott.