... that people don't understand that one can support the "green" movement and be "environmental" and still still believe MMGW(now masked as "Climate Change") is an over-hyped hysteria.
Dennis prager is on Supper Club with Tom Bergeron on Planet Green channel and the other people on there don't seem to understand that people see this as a overhyped hoax. They prattle on about melting polar caps and polar bears like good little media followers but they don't understand that they are FALSE(at minimum misleading).p Another line was that we are only one of 4 nations not signed to Kyoto - that is false as well.
I have stated here plenty of times that I'm probably the biggest tree hugging Conservative you'll ever know but there is no way in hell I'm going to buy into this hysteria about MMGW. I think the focus on "green" is great but I'll do it on my own terms - not have it forced based on a faulty premise. IMO, the people who are concerned with MMGW would be better off with the argument that "green" is good because it reduces waste and can be quite practical as well.
BTW, I'm addicted to that channel. I just wish they didn't have the kooks spouting the same MMGW propaganda all the time.
Dennis prager is on Supper Club with Tom Bergeron on Planet Green channel and the other people on there don't seem to understand that people see this as a overhyped hoax. They prattle on about melting polar caps and polar bears like good little media followers but they don't understand that they are FALSE(at minimum misleading).p Another line was that we are only one of 4 nations not signed to Kyoto - that is false as well.
I have stated here plenty of times that I'm probably the biggest tree hugging Conservative you'll ever know but there is no way in hell I'm going to buy into this hysteria about MMGW. I think the focus on "green" is great but I'll do it on my own terms - not have it forced based on a faulty premise. IMO, the people who are concerned with MMGW would be better off with the argument that "green" is good because it reduces waste and can be quite practical as well.
BTW, I'm addicted to that channel. I just wish they didn't have the kooks spouting the same MMGW propaganda all the time.