Why Haven't We Heard More of These Stories


Platinum Member
May 19, 2003
2700+ and counting

Jeremy Feldbusch joined the Army to travel the world. Now the only place he can go by himself is the 40 steps from his bed to the reclining chair in the living room.

The stucco walls guide him, past the bathroom, kitchen and closet, past the photographs of him in football jacket and wrestling singlet, past the coffee table, where he sometimes stubs his toe. At last, he finds his chair.

"Mom!" he yelled on a recent day. "I want a drink of some drinky stuff!"

"How about water?" his mother said back.

"No! Mountain Dew!"

"O.K., Jeremy, O.K."

Sgt. Jeremy Feldbusch, a fit, driven, highly capable Army Ranger, left home in February knowing the risks of combat. Two months later, he came home blind.

A growing number of young men and women are returning from Iraq and trying to resume lives that were interrupted by war and then minced by injury. Sergeant Feldbusch, a moody 24-year-old, is one of them, back in a little town in western Pennsylvania, in a little house overlooking trees and snow-blanketed hills he cannot see.

"What happened to my plans to become an officer? Gone," Sergeant Feldbusch said. "Can I ever jump in my truck again and just take off? No. Do I always have to be with my mom or dad now? Yep."

Since the war started, more than 2,300 American soldiers in Iraq have been hurt in combat, many by artillery shells and homemade bombs that spray shrapnel. Bulletproof vests and helmets protect vital organs. But as the insurgency continues, doctors say that severe facial injuries, along with wounds to the arms and legs, are becoming a hallmark of this war.

"There's that little area between where the helmet ends and the body armor starts," said Dr. Jeffrey Poffenbarger, an Army neurosurgeon. "And we're seeing a lot of guys getting hit right there, right in the face."

Back home, one little piece of metal can turn an entire household upside down. Charlene Feldbusch stopped working to take care of her son. She rubs cream on his face in the morning, helps him pick out his clothes, fixes him meals and gives him pills at night so he does not shake.

His father, Brace, started writing a book about him. "He's been such an inspiration to me, accomplishing more at 24 than I have my entire life," said Brace Feldbusch, a former coal miner who lost two fingers to a coal cart before he lost his job. He ticked off the chapters, his son's greatest moments: winning the state freestyle wrestling championship; bench-pressing 405 pounds; graduating from the University of Pittsburgh, a biology major, the only member of the family to finish college; becoming an Army Ranger.

His two brothers, Shaun, 25, and Brian, 17, sometimes feel left out.

"But they understand our entire world has changed," Ms. Feldbusch said. "Somebody has to be with Jeremy all the time. But that's O.K. I'm his mom. And that's what moms do."

During the two months Jeremy Feldbusch spent recovering at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, his parents lived at his bedside. Charlene Feldbusch remembers one day seeing a young female soldier crawling past her in the corridor with no legs and her 3-year-old son trailing behind.

Ms. Feldbusch started to cry. But not for the woman.

"Do you know how many times I walked up and down those hallways and saw those people without arms or legs and thought, Why couldn't this be my son? Why his eyes?"

Artillery shells make a certain sound when they are coming right at you. Not a looping whistle, but a short shriek.

On April 3, Sergeant Feldbusch, a 6-foot-2-inch, thickly built mortar man, heard the shriek. He and his platoon of Rangers were guarding the Haditha Dam, a strategic point northwest of Baghdad along the Euphrates River, when a shell burst 100 feet away and a piece of red hot shrapnel hit him in the face. The last thing he remembers was eating a pouch of chicken teriyaki.

The inchlong piece of steel, part of the artillery shell's casing, sliced through his right eye, tumbled through his sinuses and lodged in the left side of his brain, severely damaging the optic nerve of his left eye and spraying bone splinters throughout his brain.

Two weeks later, at the Brooke Army Medical Center, doctors removed the shrapnel and reconstructed his face with titanium mesh and a lump of fat from his stomach in place of his missing eye, so the hole would not cave in.

For five weeks, Sergeant Feldbusch remained in a coma. When he came out, it was still black.

"I could hear my parents' voices," he said. "And I thought, What are they doing here? Am I dreaming? What the hell is going on?"

His mother knelt by his bedside and sang softly into his ear, "When I wish upon a star."

Then she asked him, "Jeremy? Who do you love?"

True to form, he whispered, "Brace." He was joking.

Two weeks after he came out of the coma, his parents broke the news. He was being awarded a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. But there was very little chance he would see again.

"I thought there's no way this is happening to me, there's no way I'm going to go through life as a blind man," Sergeant Feldbusch said.

One day, as he lay in bed with tubes and wires and needles sticking out of him like he was some sort of science project, his father looked at him and said, "Maybe God thought you had seen enough killing."

Jeremy responded, "But Dad, why did he have to take my eyes?"

The inch-long piece of shrapnel not only took his sight and dulled his sense of taste and smell, but it took some of his brain, too. It left him quick to lose his temper and acutely sensitive to pain. When he got out of the hospital, it hurt his skin when the wind blew.

It also left him prone to seizures. Right before Christmas, he had his third.

"We're just holding on," said his father. "It's like we're living in a bubble."

His moods flash like the bits of color that sometimes glitter in the mine shaft he lives in. Sometimes he sees red, blue, a bright yellow. Sometimes he is angry, then sad, then suddenly playful.

On a recent night, Brace, 49, asked: "In your mind, Jeremy, if there's an image, if there's a picture in there, buddy, what do you see?"

His son growled back: "I see you getting off your butt and going to the store and getting me some icy-pops. I'm hungry."

Lately, his parents say, he has been more sarcastic.

This month, he was invited to speak to a sixth-grade class. His mother told him the children would like to see his uniform. Instead, he wore sweat pants.

One boy asked about the weather in Iraq. Another asked Sergeant Feldbusch if he had made any new Iraqi friends.

"I didn't make any Iraqi friends," he said.

And at the end of the talk, the school principal asked, "Jeremy, can you say something in Iraqi?"

Sergeant Feldbusch replied, "Something in Iraqi."

The children looked at the principal, who stared at Sergeant Feldbusch who grinned back at her.

"That's just how I've always been, a wisecracker," he explained later.

But then he said, rubbing his finger on the pink splotch by his right eye: "When you look at me, you see this little scar. But people forget that I had this piece of metal go through my eye and bounce up and down in my face and get stuck in my brain."

Dr. Poffenbarger, who operated on Sergeant Feldbusch, explained that his personality may have been affected by damage to the brain's frontal lobe, which controls social skills and behavior.

"When you get a frontal lobe injury, you tend to be more emotionally aggressive," Dr. Poffenbarger said. "A lot of young men with these injuries seem to be angry."

Charlene Feldbusch, 47, said she was concerned about "what's going to come out in Jeremy."

"I know he's a big-hearted person," she said. "But it's just that now he's, he's," she searched for a word she could live with. "Different."

Sergeant Feldbusch said his attitude was evolving. "I'm fine with it now," he said. "I'm going to learn Braille. I'm going to get a cane. I'll survive. There's more to life than seeing. "

Even in his dreams, he no longer sees. And he has stopped trying to picture faces.

"When I was first in the hospital, I tried to think of what the doctors and nurses all looked like," he said. "But then I stopped. I'm blind. I figured why am I doing this? I'm never going to see them."

He went on: "It's not that I don't allow myself to get upset. I don't think about it. I had a job. I got hurt. Now I'm blind. My day is my day now."

He spends most of his time in bed or slouched in the reclining chair in the corner of the living room, absorbing his favorite television shows like "Sanford and Son" and the news. At first, he had a lot of visitors and friends. Blairsville, an old coal-mining town of 3,600 people, even had a parade for him this summer and the mayor proclaimed Sept. 20 Jeremy Feldbusch day.

He talks about going back to school and getting a master's degree. And hitting the weights again. He used to be really into that.

But the antiseizure medications make him sleepy. He naps a lot.

"Yeah, I get bored. And I miss the guys," he said. "Ever since I was 5, I was part of some team. Now I'm alone."

Sometimes that gets him into trouble. This summer he slipped off the deck. He also slammed his face into a door frame one night, nearly knocking himself out.

But he had no problem sawing down the family's Christmas tree last week, after his father got it started for him. And when the first snow of the season came, he stood on the lawn with his mother and held out his hand.

Once he retires and receives his medical discharge, Sergeant Feldbusch will be eligible for veterans' benefits that will most likely exceed his current $1,800-a-month paycheck.

On a recent night, his family took him to a wrestling meet. He sat at the edge of the mat with his father, who described each twist, turn and body slam. The gym was alive with the squeak of shoes and the hot press of a full crowd.

"Dad, what's going on now?" Sergeant Feldbusch asked.

"Well, Jerm, the kid with the tattoo is on top and got this boy in a figure four or something," Brace said. "The other kid's nose is bleeding."

"I'm rooting for the bleeder, then," Sergeant Feldbusch announced.

A minute later the bleeder was on his back. Some girls in the crowd screamed for him to get up.

"What's going on, Dad, what's he doing?" Sergeant Feldbusch asked.

Before he could answer, the referee smacked his hand flat like a pancake on the mat. The bleeder had been pinned.

The boy ran out of the gym crying. Brace shook his head.

"See, you got to take winning well and you got to take losing well," Brace said. "Look at Jeremy. He's got every reason to sit in a corner and be depressed. But he's not."

"Whatever, Dad," Sergeant Feldbusch said. "Who's next?"




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Oct 30, 2000
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Mar 24, 2000
Soliders injured. Article actually says 2300.

Most of it is a personal story about a Ranger who lost his sight from shrapnel.

Other than this blurb, it stays pretty apolitical

Since the war started, more than 2,300 American soldiers in Iraq have been hurt in combat, many by artillery shells and homemade bombs that spray shrapnel. Bulletproof vests and helmets protect vital organs. But as the insurgency continues, doctors say that severe facial injuries, along with wounds to the arms and legs, are becoming a hallmark of this war.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
Originally posted by: Czar
2700 what?

2700 Americans (and counting) would vote for Dean, if the election were held today.
aint that the truth. This war was a bad fusken idea. We were told they'd greet us..liars.

Even those crazy Nazis did'nt do this to us during occupation.


Platinum Member
May 19, 2003
figures changed since the story was done even though it was published today...I saw on PBS the figure was over 2700 as of last friday or saturday


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
"Ever since I was 5, I was part of some team. Now I'm alone."

This is where he is wrong and must've missed the part where he will always be part of America's Team.
We lose that spirit, we lose him and we lose America.

First chance we get should get his platoon mates back over here and visit with him right away and make sure he never feels "alone" ever again.

Salutes ----------> Jeremy and all our troops.


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2002

I agree. Is this the first time you have ever considered the silent plight of this countries disabled veterans ? Visit your regional VA hospital and volunteer sometime. You will find out more than you want to know about how men and women (and their families) wounded/injured while serving try to get by.

You will never be associated with a finer bunch of people. If you have kids, take them so they can learn what sacrifice and duty really mean. That unconstititional pledge they give to the flag at school will take on a whole new meaning for them.

Speak out to your elected representatives about these issues. Especially when some pusnuts wants to cut funding yet again for the care of the people who make up "these stories".


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003
Being a compensably disabled vet, I feel for him. What I don't do is pity him, or others. The point is that one can feel sorry for oneself, or use the adversity to grow with. There are many things that someone without sight, or two fused wrists (in my case) can't do, but many things never tried before still lie ahead to make up for what was lost.

To innundate the press with these stories is sensationalism, and at worst is usage of someones disability to promote an agenda, and at best pity, neither of which helps those disabled one bit.

If you want to help, talk to your congressman and make sure they do not cut retiree, and/or disabled veterans benefits. They could also help to streamline tracking and care of DAV's, and allow greater freedom of choice as to their health care providers.


Platinum Member
May 19, 2003
I wish we would hear more of these stories to keep the war and its affects on real people down the street from us in our faces instead of having the war become part of the background noise. People and the media have the attention span of a three year old, now daily attacks and our soldiers being killed are becoming 30 peices on news casts as if it was a traffic accident. And all this is happening because of some Ideologues in Washington dupped us into going to war.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
One of CNN's shows had a Special on Iraq War Vets a few days back. I don't recall the name of the show, but it was disheartening.
Dec 27, 2001
Originally posted by: maluckeyTo innundate the press with these stories is sensationalism, and at worst is usage of someones disability to promote an agenda, and at best pity, neither of which helps those disabled one bit.



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
And at the end of the talk, the school principal asked, "Jeremy, can you say something in Iraqi?"

Sergeant Feldbusch replied, "Something in Iraqi."


maluckey - <<To innundate the press with these stories is sensationalism, and at worst is usage of someones disability to promote an agenda, and at best pity, neither of which helps those disabled one bit.>>

What's your definition of innundate, and how many stories of this type would you consider to be too many? 1? 5? 10?



Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2003
What purpose does it serve to the soldier? His Family? His Unit? Morale of the soldiers? None.

If my mother had a heart attck, I wouldn't want it on the front page, any more than if my brother (who is still active duty, and going to Iraq next motnh) get's shot. It helps nobody, and invades on the privacy of the soldiers and their families. It hurst morale, and that is never a good thing. To recover from a crippling injury, you need to let the past go, get over the adversity, and look to tomorrow, not have someone shoving it in your face, pitying you for getting hurt, and using it for their agendas. Usage is never acceptable, especially to the vulnerable and traumatized.

Ambulance chasing for news, as far as I'm concerned, is despicable, and amoral.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
I don't think that when these stories are printed, it isn't to serve any purpose to the soldiers or their families.
Feb 24, 2001
Originally posted by: Zebo
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
Originally posted by: Czar
2700 what?

2700 Americans (and counting) would vote for Dean, if the election were held today.
aint that the truth. This war was a bad fusken idea. We were told they'd greet us..liars.

Even those crazy Nazis did'nt do this to us during occupation.
Hold on there, check your history books. We had soldiers being killed until the end of 1946, even by kids (Hitler Youths). Why did it finally end? We killed every last one of them.
Feb 3, 2001
Do I always have to be with my mom or dad now? Yep.

Now that's not true, there are lots of blind people who go on to have very productive lives. Just gotta find the right niche is all.

I don't think it's exactly unepected that there would be (GASP!) people wounded in wars. I cannot imagine that someone would voluntarily join the military and NOT realize that hey, someday there might be a conflict and I might be hurt or killed. That's the nature of the game. If you aren't willing to take the risks, no one is forcing you to sign up.

Sad stories, these, and it's a shame they happened. But the cause was just, and you can't tell me these people didn't know the risks going in.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Do I always have to be with my mom or dad now? Yep.

Now that's not true, there are lots of blind people who go on to have very productive lives. Just gotta find the right niche is all.

I don't think it's exactly unepected that there would be (GASP!) people wounded in wars. I cannot imagine that someone would voluntarily join the military and NOT realize that hey, someday there might be a conflict and I might be hurt or killed. That's the nature of the game. If you aren't willing to take the risks, no one is forcing you to sign up.

Sad stories, these, and it's a shame they happened. But the cause was just, and you can't tell me these people didn't know the risks going in.

If the cause is so just why aren't you over there? Yeah it's easy to send others into harm's way for a cause you feel is just but it's another to go and put your own ass on the line. Hey you don't have to join the Army, you can go over there as a Volunteer for the Red Cross. Hell the Iraqi's don't care, they'll shoot you as soon as they will shoot an American Serviceman.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: maluckey
What purpose does it serve to the soldier? His Family? His Unit? Morale of the soldiers? None.

If my mother had a heart attck, I wouldn't want it on the front page, any more than if my brother (who is still active duty, and going to Iraq next motnh) get's shot. It helps nobody, and invades on the privacy of the soldiers and their families. It hurst morale, and that is never a good thing. To recover from a crippling injury, you need to let the past go, get over the adversity, and look to tomorrow, not have someone shoving it in your face, pitying you for getting hurt, and using it for their agendas. Usage is never acceptable, especially to the vulnerable and traumatized.

Ambulance chasing for news, as far as I'm concerned, is despicable, and amoral.
The soldier agreed to be interviewed. It's one thing to report it against the soldiers wishes, it's totally another when he want's his story to be heard. You don't like it and what he has to say, tough sh!t, he was there, he put his ass on the line and he suffered for it, not you.
Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Do I always have to be with my mom or dad now? Yep.

Now that's not true, there are lots of blind people who go on to have very productive lives. Just gotta find the right niche is all.

I don't think it's exactly unepected that there would be (GASP!) people wounded in wars. I cannot imagine that someone would voluntarily join the military and NOT realize that hey, someday there might be a conflict and I might be hurt or killed. That's the nature of the game. If you aren't willing to take the risks, no one is forcing you to sign up.

Sad stories, these, and it's a shame they happened. But the cause was just, and you can't tell me these people didn't know the risks going in.

If the cause is so just why aren't you over there? Yeah it's easy to send others into harm's way for a cause you feel is just but it's another to go and put your own ass on the line. Hey you don't have to join the Army, you can go over there as a Volunteer for the Red Cross. Hell the Iraqi's don't care, they'll shoot you as soon as they will shoot an American Serviceman.

RD, what is the defining characteristic of our military? It is ALL VOLUNTEER. when you sign up, you KNOW, without question, that there is a possibility of being sent into a combat situation at some point during your time in the military. You CANNOT sign up for the military without knowing this.

And as for me signing up, I'll be the first to tell you I'd be more of a liability than an asset on the battlefield, LOL :)


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Do I always have to be with my mom or dad now? Yep.

Now that's not true, there are lots of blind people who go on to have very productive lives. Just gotta find the right niche is all.

I don't think it's exactly unepected that there would be (GASP!) people wounded in wars. I cannot imagine that someone would voluntarily join the military and NOT realize that hey, someday there might be a conflict and I might be hurt or killed. That's the nature of the game. If you aren't willing to take the risks, no one is forcing you to sign up.

Sad stories, these, and it's a shame they happened. But the cause was just, and you can't tell me these people didn't know the risks going in.

If the cause is so just why aren't you over there? Yeah it's easy to send others into harm's way for a cause you feel is just but it's another to go and put your own ass on the line. Hey you don't have to join the Army, you can go over there as a Volunteer for the Red Cross. Hell the Iraqi's don't care, they'll shoot you as soon as they will shoot an American Serviceman.

RD, what is the defining characteristic of our military? It is ALL VOLUNTEER. when you sign up, you KNOW, without question, that there is a possibility of being sent into a combat situation at some point during your time in the military. You CANNOT sign up for the military without knowing this.

And as for me signing up, I'll be the first to tell you I'd be more of a liability than an asset on the battlefield, LOL :)

Yeah it kind of sucks that our boy are at the mercy of the Political Agenda's of the Asshats we always seem to elect to the White House.

Forget the Battlefield, join the Red Cross. You can be out of shape and still be an asset, especially if you feel that what we are doing there is so just!


Golden Member
Nov 10, 2003
in response to the topic question:
why would anyone want to hear depressing stories like this?
this kind of stuff is not 'telling it like it is' or 'getting the unheard story out'. every person knows the inherant dangers of going to war, and this kind of stuff [the injury] is the result of those dangers.

but i feel sorry for the soldier, hes never going to be able to see the dusk of a day gone by, the oceans, orthe skies again. from here on out, its all up to his minds eye to let him see.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Genesys
in response to the topic question:
why would anyone want to hear depressing stories like this?
this kind of stuff is not 'telling it like it is' or 'getting the unheard story out'. every person knows the inherant dangers of going to war, and this kind of stuff [the injury] is the result of those dangers.

but i feel sorry for the soldier, hes never going to be able to see the dusk of a day gone by, the oceans, orthe skies again. from here on out, its all up to his minds eye to let him see.

The Truth is not always pleasant. If actions are taken that have unpleasant consequences, those consequences should be as known as anything else. To sanitize an action is to take an action too lightly.