Why doesn't my burned dvd movie start up?


Golden Member
Jan 21, 2002
I successfully ripped a DVD movie using DVDecryptor, then got rid of the extra stuff using IFOEdit and was able to watch it on the hard drive. So once the movie was isolated I burned it to a blank DVD using Nero, and all that went well, no errors or anything.

But when I pop the dvd into my dvd-rom (or rather that of my pc-illiterate chum; I myself LOVE extras and wouldn't be happy with this procedure) nothing happens, the movie doesn't start up.
Did I do something wrong or is there a final step that I missed? Any help would be much appreciated (since I wanna go home already)....thanks!


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2001
Well when ya pirate copyrighted material, what do you expect?
What an ignorant thing to say. He obviously owns the movie. He is allowed to do what he wants with it. Who even says he plans on distributing it to another? Don't make assumptions about other people's actions. Even so, don't tell me you have never once copied something to a VHS tape. Don't judge other people. Unless you have constructive information to offer (I realize the hypocracy of me posting this), then don't say anything at all.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2000
RE:"Well when ya pirate copyrighted material, what do you expect?"

Well, He expected it to work, da*n it. So would I. LOL.

OTOH, he's allowed to copy it. If it's his. Maybe he was just seeing if he could do it.

You never copied an copyrighted material? You have and didn't even know it. Have you copied a page out of a book for class? Copied a cassette tape? Copied a page off the Internet?
You probably work for the RIAA.


Senior member
Nov 1, 2002
maybe its just not auto launching?
try opening the dvd in windows media player (if you have xp)

either that or try powerdvd or windvd



Golden Member
Jan 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Bovinicus
Well when ya pirate copyrighted material, what do you expect?
What an ignorant thing to say. He obviously owns the movie. He is allowed to do what he wants with it. Who even says he plans on distributing it to another? Don't make assumptions about other people's actions. Even so, don't tell me you have never once copied something to a VHS tape. Don't judge other people. Unless you have constructive information to offer (I realize the hypocracy of me posting this), then don't say anything at all.

Thanks all, I kind of got nervous, like I was going to be banned or something. I'm actually bouncing back and forth three days out of the week between apts. and since my friend got his hands on a DVD-RW drive recently, I just thought to try my hand at backing up some movies that I could have at both places-in all honesty I wasn't thinking even remotely about distributing or selling-I'm not that industrious or clever.

I went to a site that someone here recommended, Doom9, and I learned about Infoedit (it sucks to have to strip the DVD of the extras but it seems to be necessary to make the movie fit) and I did that okay-oh and before that I used DVDecryptor to rip the movie to my hard drive. And lastly, used latest version of Nero to burn it-and all this seemed to go okay; I know I ripped it correctly and applied IFOedit correctly because I was able to isolate and watch just the movie on my hard drive using the IFOedit player. But after I burned it, I tried to run the DVD and nothing happened. Inserted into the drive, nothing. Opened WinDVD and it didn't detect it. I'm really new at this and have no idea what could be wrong. Any ideas?

Oh, and if anyone has a step-by-step formula that has worked for them using, perhaps, different programs than the ones mentioned above, feel free to post it if you have the time....again, thanks!


Senior member
Aug 24, 2001
Perhaps you need some sort of DVD authoring tool, like DVD Creator? I don't know, as I don't have access to a DVD-R or -RW.

Antisocial Virge

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 1999
I tried doing this the other day and I tell you what its not super easy to do it properly. You miss one of those steps its all over. Did you have to encode the video? Did you make a image first or just copy the video_ts files to burn? Did you make sure you did the "Get VTS sectors" sectors? There is so much stuff that can go wrong.

If you think its fun now, wait till you try encoding video using the Robshot method. Nothing like going through the entire video stream in 10 sec jumps increasing the bitrate. :confused: