Because his views, whatever his 'intent', are intensely anti-democratic and would hugely take away the power of democracy, handing it to a plutocratic group of wealth and powerful private people unaccountable in elections and turn society into a third-world economy with only those few at the top and everyone else the poor dependant on them.
It's all hidden and masked in deluded rhetoric about 'liberty' - the kind of 'liberty' Tom DeLay praised in the Mariannas islands.
The left doesn't think Paul, unlike so many on the right, actually understands the effects of his policies, thinks his intent is evil - rather that he's a dangerous ideological innocent.
Think of Alan Greenspan engineering the economic crash with the best of intentions, crying about how he more than anyone was against things like TARP bailouts.
He admitted after decades his ideology had been wrong. Darn.
Paul is just clueless about how government works, what is good for society and its people. He'd burn to the ground what our society has built up and cannot rebuild.
Do you need to understand any more about this than that after a tornado disaster in his district not long ago, he praised the better policies in place a century ago in his district when a tornado struck - and lacking the modern FEMA and other resources, it was one of the worst disasters in American history with thousands killed - but privately handled?
Government is the people united so that they have power against powerful private interests - protecting the people's interests, and using society's resource not just for the few but for the people's priorities, whether in science, medicince, putting a man on the moon, protecting endangered species, regulating product safety, whatever.
Paul is the simpleton opposed to all of that, with the crazy libertarian ideology that everything will work great with only private forces - and you can sue if it doesn't.