There is nothing wrong with the hardware. The Gx processors are pretty nice chips (with integers, at least
). The problem I have with Macs is twofold: the OS and the users.
The OS is a joke. Running Mac OS on a G4 is like driving a Humvee on paved road. Now everyone's going nuts over OS X while it's nothing more than *nix in disguise.
The main thing is the users, though. I have to deal with a few Mac-ites at school every day.
"Microsoft is evil" "OS X has the BSD core!"(I'll bet ten bucks they don't know what that means) "Windows crashes all the time" "PCs are so slow" "My iMac is blueberry"
ARG! :| Anyone who buys a computer based on its looks is totally nuts. I'm not shelling out outrageous amounts of money for a computer because it matches my couch. Apple is focusing too much on LOOKS and not enough on UTILITY. Examples:
OS X desktop info
Aqua info
In my opinion, throwing that many resources away on the GUI just to make it "pretty" is a sin.
And I love this page:
OS X info
"Preemptive multitasking
You need an operating system that can handle several different tasks at once ? giving priority to your primary application, but still crunching away at other jobs in the background. Darwin makes this possible with preemptive multitasking. It watches over your computer?s processor, sets processor priorities according to the importance of the task, makes sure activity levels are at maximum, and ensures that every task gets the resources it needs."
Are you telling me that every Mac OS up till X have NOT had this?
jhu: "don't tell me you guys wouldn't use a g4 mac if someone just handed you one, 'cuz then i'd think you're all crazy fanatics"
Can you spell 'moot'? Of course I would take one if it was FREE. I have a Cue Cat for God's sake.