f 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on their doors?
Why do hot dogs come in packs of 12 but hot dog buns come in packs of 10?
If swimming is supposed to be good for your figure, then why are whales so fat?
Why did Kamikazi pilots wear helmets?
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?
If the black box flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn't the whole airplane made out of the stuff?
Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?
If most car accidents occur within five miles of home, why doesn't everyone just move 10 miles away?
Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?
If you choke a Smurf, what color would it turn?
If you eat pasta and antipasta at the same time, would you still be hungry?
When sign makers go on strike, is there anything written on their signs?
Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?
How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?
What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
Why is a shipment transported by car while a cargo is trasnported by ship?
Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?
If slim is the opposite of fat, then why do slim chance and fat chance mean the exact same thing?
Why are they called APARTments when they are all connected together?
Why do they call it a television set when you only get one of them?
How come the word Abbreviation is so long when it means to shorten words....
How come they say "The Alarm went off.." when it turned on?
If money dont grow on trees why do banks have so many branches?
If Crime doesn't pay... does that mean my job is a crime?
Why do the signs that say "Slow Children" have a picture of a running child?
Why do they call it chili if it's hot?
If work is so terrific, how come they have to pay you to do it?
Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to?
Do stars clean themselves with meteor showers?
If a fly has no wings would you call him a walk?
If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know?(Ohhhhhhhh Very nice!)
If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?
Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?
Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips?
Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot at them?
What if someone died in the living room?
When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?
When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it?
Where does the fire go when the fire goes out?
Where is Old Zealand?
Since Americans throw rice at weddings, do Asians throw hamburgers?
What do people in China call their good plates?
What do they call coffee breaks at the Lipton Tea Company?
Why dont we ever see baby pigeons?