T trulfe Senior member May 17, 2000 778 0 0 Dec 14, 2001 #1 just wondering because i notice that almost everytime i sneeze i sneeze twice and thats it.
J Juniper Platinum Member Nov 7, 2001 2,025 1 0 Dec 14, 2001 #3 When I sneeze, I cant stop for at least 5 mins. :Q
D DuffmanOhYeah Golden Member May 21, 2001 1,903 0 0 Dec 14, 2001 #4 << Mine do not always come in pairs. >>
P Pyxis Platinum Member Jan 28, 2001 2,554 0 76 Dec 14, 2001 #7 Mine almost always come in pairs too.
A alareau Senior member Sep 3, 2000 566 0 76 Dec 14, 2001 #8 doesn't happen all the time but i want to know, when you sneeze, why do you always end up closing your eyes. i remember watching Beakman's world about it a long long time agao
doesn't happen all the time but i want to know, when you sneeze, why do you always end up closing your eyes. i remember watching Beakman's world about it a long long time agao
K Kelvrick Lifer Feb 14, 2001 18,422 5 81 Dec 14, 2001 #9 << Mine almost always come in pairs too. >>
theknight571 Platinum Member Mar 23, 2001 2,896 2 81 Dec 14, 2001 #10 Mine come in pairs too However...my dad's always come in threes.
B Bulldog7000 Senior member Dec 18, 1999 292 0 0 Dec 14, 2001 #11 7 sneezes within a reasonably short amount of time produces the chemical equivalent of an orgasm. Just a tidbit, dunno if it's true, but I sure as hell get high if I sneeze a lot in a row. BDOG
7 sneezes within a reasonably short amount of time produces the chemical equivalent of an orgasm. Just a tidbit, dunno if it's true, but I sure as hell get high if I sneeze a lot in a row. BDOG
vi edit Elite Member Super Moderator Oct 28, 1999 62,484 8,344 126 Dec 14, 2001 #12 3 in a row for me, always.
E Elledan Banned Jul 24, 2000 8,880 0 0 Dec 14, 2001 #13 1-5 times for me, usually. I guess that people sneeze more than once at most times because sneezing once is not enough to get things cleaned up
1-5 times for me, usually. I guess that people sneeze more than once at most times because sneezing once is not enough to get things cleaned up