Sounds like you have a good case, especially if you show where the damage occurred on each vehicle. I would go to court with a map all drawn out on a poster board, the works, showing that she entered your lane improperly. The officer was wrong to fault you, if that is indeed happened as you describe it.
If it makes you feel any better, I was riding with a friend one time, and this guy gets on our ass for like two miles. He keeps trying to pass us on a busy road, but there is traffic coming each time. So we turn off onto a cross street, not because of him but because that's the way we are going. He turns, too, right behind us. :disgust:
For the next half mile, he is trying to pass again, but again there is traffic coming. We were actually going under the speed limit (45MPH), hoping the idiot would finally pass us. So he finally starts coming around us, darts in front of my friend's truck with a clearance of 24 inches between us, then slams on his brakes and tries turning into a driveway, no blinker at any time. My friend slams on his brakes, tries to go around him as the guy is making his turn, but clips the guy's right rear bumper with the front left bumper, and we slide into the ditch on the ride side of the road.
My friend is now livid, he's 6' 220 lbs and a competing amateur body builder. He gets out of his truck, climbs out of the ditch, and starts walking across the road because he is going to beat this guy's ass. The guy gets out of his car at the end of his driveway, some little pencil dick who weighs 95lbs. My friend shouts 'you stupid MF!' and the guy quickly gets back in his car, drives the rest of the distance up his driveway, then runs into his house.
My friend comes back to the truck, starts relieving some anger by rocking the truck side-to-side and screaming a few obscenities. A neighbor comes out and tells us the police are on their way. We explain everything when they come.
End result: my friend gets the ticket and the other guy gets nothing out of it.