Why do people say money cant buy happyness

Hugo Drax

Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2011
It has to be trustfunders, cause i am definitely content right now in My jacuzzi overlooking the water having no neighbors but nature and the occasional boat passing by in the distance.

So fuck that i prefer this than homeless and broke.

I just want to add that I am first generation immigrant who did not have shit when I was a kid and was
homeless as a preteen for a few weeks while my parents tried looking for an Apartment. So not having money sucked ass, working 3 nights a week from 10pm to 4AM in the back of a van replacing newspapers in the vending machines and then having to go to school in the morning sucked ass(Dad drove the van me and my brother did the backend work/ time is money). (hey all hands on deck to help pay the bills) Getting my first paycheck from my fast food job and handing half the check over to help pay bills sucked but still it was cool seeing actual money in your own small bank account :)
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Platinum Member
Nov 16, 1999
No honest ATOTer would say such a thing.
We know poverty sucks
People who says this just doesn’t know where to shop
Even if it doesn’t buy happiness, you can still park next to it in your big yacht
Also even if you’re not happy, it’s still better to cry in a Lexus/Mercedes


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
Because it can't. While many do need a certain standard of living to be happy, there are also many who can afford that standard that aren't happy.

To some extent it's even the opposite, that if you spend too much time in pursuit of making, or saving, money then you become a slave to it.

If you need a Lexus to be happy then your life sucks, but of course you don't want some broken down stinky rustmobile either.


Aug 24, 2008



Oct 15, 1999
Money can't buy happiness, but it can make you comfortable.
Some people need the display of wealth, some don't. Being a contractor I've worked for some very wealthy people that lead very frugal lives. I've also worked for people that are all about display, they need others to see how successful they are, and they'll spend vast amounts of money on that display. So far, the rich frugal people are way ahead on the happiness thing. They're also are the easiest to work for.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Money may not be the only factor to happiness but it can sure help get you there. It's human nature to always want more but sometimes if you really sit and think about what you do have it can still make you happy. Like my main goal since I was a kid was to own property and now I do. It's great having my own house and independence. Yeah it would be fun to have a bigger property that is lake front in the woods but I'm still happy with what I have now.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
"I've been rich and I’ve been poor and believe me, rich is better."
- Sophie Tucker


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2000
Why do people say money cant buy happyness

I think it depends largely on what definition is assigned to the word. If you define happiness narrow enough, such as your example, sure…money can buy happiness.

However, most people would probably define "happiness," at least in this context, in much broader terms. A "deeper," less superficial definition of happiness would probably render the phrase accurate.

However, of the many things money can certainly buy, a spell checker should probably be your chief concern.

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Hugo Drax

Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2011
Money can't buy happiness, but it can make you comfortable.
Some people need the display of wealth, some don't. Being a contractor I've worked for some very wealthy people that lead very frugal lives. I've also worked for people that are all about display, they need others to see how successful they are, and they'll spend vast amounts of money on that display. So far, the rich frugal people are way ahead on the happiness thing. They're also are the easiest to work for.

Thats because those people who are wealthy but miserable are always "On the clock" Think about it for a second, money is just a tool nothing more. These miserable people are probably knee deep in debt and are not very liquid and are working like dogs 24/7 trying to impress other people. They are working all the time, they have to make sure the Ferrari is spotless so they are always on the job making sure it looks impeccable, they are 24/7 on the watch to see what the people around them have and they use up their entire mental faculties trying to one up everyone else. They are always miserable because #1 They are on "The clock" working like dogs using their entire brain matter trying to impress other and be #1 at whatever thing it is they can be. #2 They are not #1 at everything so they are miserable.

I have met plenty of people like that, they are vapid empty miserable people who lack empathy for others and live with one foot in the grave they are the most boring people you will meet in your entire life. They are stupid as dried turd that has been sitting on the side of the road for months where even the flies wont land on it anymore since there is no nutrition left to offer. These people should learn how to read books, so much shit to read out there, take up some hobbies etc.. do something productive and mentally enriching.

So yes there are exceptions to the rule, but those type of people are mental defects, no different than a computer with a bad RAM chip, no matter how many times you reformat the computer and re install the OS you will still get blue screens. So money is nothing for them but a way to keep score and get even with others. no matter how many millions more they get they will still be the total bore at the cocktail party.

For me money is just a tool, Once I figured out how to build up enough capital to get off the clock I jumped ship and said fuck it. There is so much stuff you can do when you don't have to be a slave to the man working on the clock like a trained dog.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
You can't BUY happiness...that would mean you'll ALWAYS have it, but you CAN rent it...some wimmenz will rent it by the hour.
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Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2005
They're just trying to make themselves feel better for not having any money.

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
The human mind has an interesting weak point for manifesting boogeymen and misery. For many people there is always *something* they construct as a conflict point or reason for unhappiness. Even with all the money in the world the brain still finds some way to build the next boogeyman to scare you.
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Sep 23, 2003
Because life teaches you that once you're over one obstacle... it's on to the next. Everyone has problems, it's just which ones they have to deal with.

Lack of money will teach you what real problems are, excess of money will (likely) teach you about petty problems. At the end of the day, you're gonna have problems.

I think you want to be somewhere close to middle... definitely closer to rich than poor, but not near the top where the bigger problems exist.


Platinum Member
Jan 19, 2018
This topic always reminds me of a talk I had with a successful financial advisor who was a friend of my parents. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a dark winter night, snow was on the ground , and we were sitting in front of my paretnt's fireplace. The gist of what he said was:

"Its ok to be poor when you're young. It's not hard to find happiness when your whole life is still ahead of you. You don't need money for that.

But being old and poor is horrible. Don't let it happen. Do whatever you can to avoid it."

I never invested with this person but that talk changed my life. Every young person should have that blasted into their heads. Obviously it won't get through to everyone but it might reach some.