Why do people get married?

Married or not what do you think?
I know people who get married just because its a sin to sleep with someone before marriage. It seems to expensive and to much of a pain in the arse.

I dunno, maybe im just tired...



Jun 11, 2004
A few decades ago I could understand marriage. Divorce wasn't as common, women weren't a major part of the workforce (which meant less independence), etc. Now that women share many of the same jobs as men, as well as a 50% divorce rate, I have no idea why people get married these days. It's too much of a gamble with your financial livelihood (especially if you're a guy).


Apr 23, 2000
Social acceptance, Ignorance, Insecurity, Love, Loneliness.... Take your pick.


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2001
We did it for love, companionship, and hope for a good home to raise a family. Call it cheesy, stupid, or a "gamble" all you want, we are proud of our decisions and our life together. I hope others find the same



Aug 9, 2004
maybe they want to make a serious committment to each other..? it's sort of what people do when they want to make a life together, i spose. maybe they plan to have kids, and feel it would be better if they were married.


Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: PaulNEPats
A few decades ago I could understand marriage. Divorce wasn't as common, women weren't a major part of the workforce (which meant less independence), etc. Now that women share many of the same jobs as men, as well as a 50% divorce rate, I have no idea why people get married these days. It's too much of a gamble with your financial livelihood (especially if you're a guy).

I heard the other day that in around 39% of marriages now, the female partner earns more than the male partner. So I guess it all evens out.


Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2004
Originally posted by: TWills
Marriage > not married

Fvck yeah. As a Christian I find it morally reprehensible to have sex before marriage. But as soon as I get married... I'll have sex with whoever I want whenever I want however I want.

Originally posted by: kogase
Originally posted by: TWills
Marriage > not married

Fvck yeah. As a Christian I find it morally reprehensible to have sex before marriage. But as soon as I get married... I'll have sex with whoever I want whenever I want however I want.



Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Spike
We did it for love, companionship, and hope for a good home to raise a family. Call it cheesy, stupid, or a "gamble" all you want, we are proud of our decisions and our life together. I hope others find the same


Though I'm not married, I hope to be, and Spike echoes my sentiments. I'm also religious, so bare with me a moment even if you vehemently deny that there is a God (if that's you, then I respectfully disagree), it's also b/c God said that it is not good for man to be alone, and He created us with the intent of us marrying someone of the opposite sex and for that marriage to last for the rest of those people's lives. It's how we were designed to be. It's society that has perverted things from the way they were intended. And it is my intent to go against society in that regard. Gamble? Maybe, but if I'm following God on this, I think my gamble is pretty much a sure bet ;).

I pray God's grace upon your marriages, for those of you who are married. :)


Apr 23, 2000
Originally posted by: PaulNEPats
A few decades ago I could understand marriage. Divorce wasn't as common, women weren't a major part of the workforce (which meant less independence), etc. Now that women share many of the same jobs as men, as well as a 50% divorce rate, I have no idea why people get married these days. It's too much of a gamble with your financial livelihood (especially if you're a guy).

You make a good point. Decades ago the divorce rate was not nearly as high as it is today, but does that mean that married people back then were happier? I don't think so. I think the reason why there were not as many divorces decades ago was due to the fact that the majority of the women were homemakers. The career opportunities for women decades ago were limited and sexual discrimination was prevelant. A woman who was unhappy in a marriage back then couldn't easily say "scew you, I'm outta here" like she can today. Many were more or less stuck in unhappy marriages and stayed the course. Obviously, today is a different story. Women aren't bound to a marriage. Career opportunities are getting better and better every year for women. And frankly, nobody really cares these days about divorce. So, now its an equal playing field, and may the best man - or woman - win!

Originally posted by: Rudee
Originally posted by: PaulNEPats
A few decades ago I could understand marriage. Divorce wasn't as common, women weren't a major part of the workforce (which meant less independence), etc. Now that women share many of the same jobs as men, as well as a 50% divorce rate, I have no idea why people get married these days. It's too much of a gamble with your financial livelihood (especially if you're a guy).

You make a good point. Decades ago the divorce rate was not nearly as high as it is today, but does that mean that married people back then were happier? I don't think so. I think the reason why there were not as many divorces decades ago was due to the fact that the majority of the women were homemakers. The career opportunities for women decades ago were limited and sexual discrimination was prevelant. A woman who was unhappy in a marriage back then couldn't easily say "scew you, I'm outta here" like she can today. Many were more or less stuck in unhappy marriages and stayed the course. Obviously, today is a different story. Women aren't bound to a marriage. Career opportunities are getting better and better every year for women. And frankly, nobody really cares these days about divorce. So, now its an equal playing field, and may the best man - or woman - win!

Seems like alot of people over 30 i have met have been divorced atleast once. Id wager a bit over half.
My mom = married 3x's
dad= 3x's
GF's mom= 2x's
dad= 2x's
kind of sad but at the same time, they are happy now and all their marriages are 10+ years and going strong.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: buck
Married or not what do you think?
I know people who get married just because its a sin to sleep with someone before marriage. It seems to expensive and to much of a pain in the arse.

I dunno, maybe im just tired...


Women get married because they want to secure their future. Guys get married because of pressure, either religious, or from family, or both.

Originally posted by: blahblah99
Originally posted by: buck
Married or not what do you think?
I know people who get married just because its a sin to sleep with someone before marriage. It seems to expensive and to much of a pain in the arse.

I dunno, maybe im just tired...


Women get married because they want to secure their future. Guys get married because of pressure, either religious, or from family, or both.

Id subscribe to that. :thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2001
Originally posted by: blahblah99
Originally posted by: buck
Married or not what do you think?
I know people who get married just because its a sin to sleep with someone before marriage. It seems to expensive and to much of a pain in the arse.

I dunno, maybe im just tired...


Women get married because they want to secure their future. Guys get married because of pressure, either religious, or from family, or both.

Hmmm, well, I'm a guy and I'm married but was not pressured into it... that would make your argument, um, false?

Some guys actually LIKE the idea of companionship for the rest of their lifes as well as fall deeply in love with a particular woman.

Originally posted by: Spike
Originally posted by: blahblah99
Originally posted by: buck
Married or not what do you think?
I know people who get married just because its a sin to sleep with someone before marriage. It seems to expensive and to much of a pain in the arse.

I dunno, maybe im just tired...


Women get married because they want to secure their future. Guys get married because of pressure, either religious, or from family, or both.

Hmmm, well, I'm a guy and I'm married but was not pressured into it... that would make your argument, um, false?

Some guys actually LIKE the idea of companionship for the rest of their lifes as well as fall deeply in love with a particular woman.

Cant there be commitment without marriage?


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2001
Originally posted by: buck

Cant there be commitment without marriage?

Yes, there can, but I don't believe guys (or girls for that matter) really commit until it's "official". You can say all you want but until you realize that you are forced to stay with someone for the rest of your life (or at least have to go through a very large hassel to separate yourself from them) the commitment is not as deep. Those are my feelings on it


Originally posted by: Spike
Originally posted by: buck

Cant there be commitment without marriage?

Yes, there can, but I don't believe guys (or girls for that matter) really commit until it's "official". You can say all you want but until you realize that you are forced to stay with someone for the rest of your life (or at least have to go through a very large hassel to separate yourself from them) the commitment is not as deep. Those are my feelings on it




Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Spike
Originally posted by: buck

Cant there be commitment without marriage?

Yes, there can, but I don't believe guys (or girls for that matter) really commit until it's "official". You can say all you want but until you realize that you are forced to stay with someone for the rest of your life (or at least have to go through a very large hassel to separate yourself from them) the commitment is not as deep. Those are my feelings on it


The only thing "official" about a marriage license is that the man has to pay vaginamony in the case of a divorce, and that all assets are split 50/50.


Jun 11, 2004
If a male and female are truly in love, why do you need a piece of paper from the government to prove it?

Why not just live together? If you're truly in love, then it should be the same as marriage without bringing legality into the picture.