Originally posted by: Rudee
Originally posted by: PaulNEPats
A few decades ago I could understand marriage. Divorce wasn't as common, women weren't a major part of the workforce (which meant less independence), etc. Now that women share many of the same jobs as men, as well as a 50% divorce rate, I have no idea why people get married these days. It's too much of a gamble with your financial livelihood (especially if you're a guy).
You make a good point. Decades ago the divorce rate was not nearly as high as it is today, but does that mean that married people back then were happier? I don't think so. I think the reason why there were not as many divorces decades ago was due to the fact that the majority of the women were homemakers. The career opportunities for women decades ago were limited and sexual discrimination was prevelant. A woman who was unhappy in a marriage back then couldn't easily say "scew you, I'm outta here" like she can today. Many were more or less stuck in unhappy marriages and stayed the course. Obviously, today is a different story. Women aren't bound to a marriage. Career opportunities are getting better and better every year for women. And frankly, nobody really cares these days about divorce. So, now its an equal playing field, and may the best man - or woman - win!