Let's see... they have no place in the female heterosexual hierarchy, and we men don't have a use for them unless they're hot 18 year olds who'll let us watch. So it's kind of, "They're accepted because nobody really cares what ugly women do."
The particular ones you speak of are lesbians not out of chance, but choice, as in they look that way, thus have no other choice.
Of all the lesbians I knew growing up, only a couple were the stereotypical man-hating bull ***. Most lesbians are quiet, unassuming, normal people. The ones who get attention in the press are the ones who deviate from the norm or people who want to use their fame to advance a specific agenda, which is hardly representative of your typical lesbian.
But if they are lesbians, wouldn't they not want a place in the heterosexual hierarchy?
I wouldn't even say that all the ones who get press are the man-hating bull dykes. But when someone who is already famous decides to come out (Rosie O'Donnell, Ellen Degeneres, Chastity Bono, Mary Cheney, etc.), their career becomes a referendum on their sexual orientation. Consequently, everything they do is viewed through the eyes of promoting a lesbian lifestyle, which isn't necessarily fair, but that's how it is.Ok this makes sense to me. So typically real lesbians are more normal, but the ones who get the most press are the man-hating, bull *** types?
Makes sense.
We're social animals and, given its size and scope, the heterosexual society is hard to ignore.
If everywhere you went you were surrounded by 99% gay dudes, and within that structure you had no purchase to keep yourself above "the shit we scrape off our shoes", are you going to be happy that every single one of them can look down on you like that?
Humans are social animals and we like having a good position. Having the give-and-take being on the level of "the family discount" is more efficient than having every trade be a battle with every penny counted.
Idk, it must be more complicated than I realize.
They are men trapped in a woman's body.
It's because men balance necessity and kindness naturally and transparently.
With chicks, it's like a constant mind game. Two chicks in a relationship is a recipe for disaster.
It's difficult enough for one guy and girl in a relationship.
I think gay men are smarter then us straight guys. They seem to bypass drama. (not counting the flamboyant and prissy princesses that call themselves gay men).
It's because men balance necessity and kindness naturally and transparently.
With chicks, it's like a constant mind game. Two chicks in a relationship is a recipe for disaster.
It's difficult enough for one guy and girl in a relationship.
I think gay men are smarter then us straight guys. They seem to bypass drama. (not counting the flamboyant and prissy princesses that call themselves gay men).
This is just sth that puzzles me. I am going by just a small amt of people. Like the woman from Indigo girls. And Dick Cheney's daughter.
They frequently have angry faces in photos. So what's up with angry lesbians guys?
I assume they're the female equivalent of a flamer. Some kind of hyper-masculine persona they wear as a mask. As to why, your guess is as good as mine.
I assume they're the female equivalent of a flamer. Some kind of hyper-masculine persona they wear as a mask. As to why, your guess is as good as mine.