why cant i get my system stable again?

Dec 18, 2002
Ok here?s my problem, I just installed a water-cooling kit, (swiftech 22501?"EXTREME" SERIES LIQUID COOLING KIT) and ok fine it works. Now before I installed and I had my heat sink and fan (mcx4000 heat sink and a 80mm tornado fan), I had my oc?ing where I wanted it, (2.53 oc?ed to 3.5ghz) and it was 100% stable, now after installing the water cooling kit, it oc?es just fine but now I can?t get it stable, when I do prime95 it always halts says something about rounding being 05, expected less than 0.4 now can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong? I set everything exactly the same I think. I?ve checked and re checked the bios settings about 100 times and still cannot get this thing stable again. I never had this problem when I first had it done, never got 1 error, but now it crashes, and fast. After about 4 minutes or so. Did I mess something up? Well any help would be appreciated as I hate seeing this machine crash.


Senior member
May 1, 2003
Well, bad watercooling setups could have more deficiencies than benefits. What are you temps before and after? Yea, that kind of sounds strange because WC is supposed to be much better than air temperature wise. Maybe you're not pumping water efficiently enough and your temps are going up during load. Maybe your voltage isn't set as high as you did last time. Post your temps and what you're running... that'd be a lot easier to troubleshoot.
Dec 18, 2002
ok here we go actually i have posted it here now that i think about it i was having a problem with the temps being the same as the heatsink and fan http://forums.anandtech.com/messageview.cfm?catid=37&threadid=1139091

but the temps go as following the idle with the heatsink and fan was about 48 to 49 the load was about 65, now with the water cooling the idle is about 50 to 52 but the load is about 63. but i do know the voltage is set to the same as lat time.... oh wait, hmm i think its suppose to be 1.65 and i think im setting it to 1.6, maybe thats whats wrong, i will recheck that sheez, well i will try and let you know.

edit the idle on the water cooling has gone to 67 man who would have thought air beats out water? no its probably just because i bought a kit instead of building it myself.
Dec 18, 2002
oh jeez you were right i forgot to set the voltage to the 1.65 i hate it when i make the ID 10 T errors, thanks alot, now i will just haft to prime95 it and see if its stable once again. thanks.
Dec 18, 2002
now also another question, isnt water cooling suppose to help keep temps down? i thought it would lower atleast by 10c but hmm. i made the setup as simple as possible, ive reseated the water block several times but still no difference. maybe i need a new pump? or maybe because i dont have a reservoir so the water can only cycle through the radiator, and nothing else.


Elite Member
Feb 3, 2001
water can keep temps down but that doesnt mean youll get a better OC.
sometimes the chip just cant go further, no matter what ya do.