This little love fest you have going on with moonbeam is getting to be disturbing. Is there a reason you had to change your name to something similar to his other than the fact you were tired of being your own man? Seriously I used to think you were fairly reasonable.
It's not nice to invade other countries. (moonbeam said)
When it is your manifest destiny you've but little choice.. (LunarRay said)
Being a coward and all, when it is required to think like the folks in or out of power then I will curtail my outward manifestation of thought. This may not be reasonable but it is prudent... or reasonable to me.
The message is disturbing, I think. Part of the destiny of this administration's anti terrorist policy is to invade other countries to secure the peace for ourselves (perhaps for our allies as well) I have been told, by our President. Moonbeam suggests it is not nice to invade. Buchanan is an Isolationist and invasion would seem repugnant to such a thinker.. so I suspect Moonbeam is agreeing with Buchanan's premise regards world affairs as he, Pat, has previously articulated them... I respond with the notion that Buchanan is out of step with the articulated destiny of this administration, thus it is manifest. The current crop of thinking has moved foreign policy to something much more dangerous to the world and us... which puts Buchanan out of step. Ergo, a questionable love fest of world proportions as I see it..