Not happy. Bought new MB, CPU, MB, and HDD to upgrade my system to:
Lian Li PC-60 Case w/ 350W PS
Athlon XP 1700+
Thermalrite Cooler
Crucial 256MB DDR
80GB 7.2K WD hard drive
40GB Maxtor hard drive
GeForce 2 GTS Video
Received it last Wednesday, super excited to upgrade system and tried to do so on Saturday. Board layout was nice but I plugged everything in, turned on the power and got the now infamous FF display on the LED. I tried reseating the CPU and RAM a few times.
Was not at all impressed with EPOX Tech Support - you have to send an e-mail with your problem and they didn't get back to me until 2 days later. Fortunately I went to this forum to see if any others were having similar problems. On this forum and the forum, it appears this board has a pretty high initial failure rate. One forum had a poll of users where only 66% said they had no problems with the board.
I don't have the time for such nonsense. EPOX enthusiasts will likely chastise me for having a negative opinion of this board but I think I've bought my first and last EPOX board. I thought I'd save some money by buying it and am happy for those who are ecstatic about it's performance but it's not for me. I RMA'd it yesterday and ordered a KR7A in its stead.
Just my $.02.