Who's got a painted sx10x0 case? need ideas and examples and how to paint?


Jan 4, 2001
Hey Flowerman, What's up? Listen, What is the temperature on your CPU?? I'm working on lowering the temperature on my CPU. Let me know, THxs


Senior member
Dec 6, 2000
I have my painted like Alienware's, with all of it being black, except I added my own little touch and made the inner part of the front case where the ridges are and all the way up top silver. The black and silver look awesome together IMO. Wish I had a decent digi cam to show ya


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I painted mine with Duplicolor Mirage Paint. It has the effect of changing to several different colors depending on the lighting type, the angle the light hits it, the angles of the surface and the angle it is viewed from. I did mine in silver/green. Have yet to see much silver though.
before shot 1
before shot 2
colorshot 1
colorshot 3
left side shot
right side shot
cathode light on
cathode light on no camera flash
fanbus&Lcd temp moniter
It is hard to get pictures of the many different colors it changes to because my camera flash actually changes the effect somewhat.
I completely disassembled my case and painted each part individually taping off all the stuff i didn't want to get paint on. doing the led lenses on the door was pretty tricky and mine isn't perfect but it isn't really noticeable. The Mirage paint is a 3 step paint system involving a Black basecoat, color coat and a clear topcoat. The basecoat is critical as the color will not show up without it. The blacker the better. Also the paint takes a long time to harden completely so it must be handled very carefully for sometime afterward. They say 48 hours and then it can be polished with a mild poliching compound but on the third day my kids were moving it around to get a better look at it and bumped the corner of it's cabinet and put a small scratch in it. *bad kids* i could of killed em. :(
The real key is patience and attention to detail.
Feel free to PM me if there is anything more specific you would like to know.