Whoa, need some help. Sound card probs on MSI pro2-a


Dec 10, 2000
Ok, I found out the cause of all my hangs and problems in my computer was my sound card. It is a sound blaster live value. I get these wierd lockups. I tried to change the pci slot it was in but no luck. I also tried reinstalling the via drivers 1 by 1. Still no luck. I tried changing the irq but windows wont let me, even after I uncheck that box. So I decided to put it aside and use the on board sound on my mobo. It all works fine until after 20 minutes or so of listening to mp3 or something it just goes out. All I get is a high pitched nasal "weeeeeeeee" that just keeps playing. Anybody know what could be wrong. I am running the latest 2.5 bios from MSI. Is this sould blaster problem with all via chipsets. I really need help. I would just get a new sound card but now that diamond no longer makes sound cards and aureal is out of buisness I think. Who's card do I by. If anyone can give me any advice of help I would be extremely thankful.


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2000
there's a certain thing in the BIOS that you have to do to get the onboard audio to be disabled and allow a PCI sound card to work [it's in the manual, I forget the exact name/location]. As far as the noises while using the onboard sound....I have no idea, might be software though.


Apr 23, 2000
Go to advanced chipset features,look for "onchip sound" set this to disabled,your Sblive should work ok,don`t use PCI slot1(nearest to AGP slot).


Senior member
Nov 30, 2000
Yup, I've got the same motherboard and the same problem with the Onboard sound. After awhile, it'll just start making a high pitch sound and won't go away until I reset. It happens anytime when I play a game or mp3 or whatever. Since then, I've installed a SBLive and all is well. It was a pain in the ass to install though. My system wouldn't boot up or it would lock up. Here is how I resolved it. First in the BIOS, disable your onboard sound. I'm not at home so it's hard to say exactly where that option is. Next, boot up in safe mode and disable your network card if you have one and your USB. This insures that you have enough IRQs free. Then boot your computer in normal mode again and goto your device manager. I believe there is an option called SB16 DOS emulation or something like that. Goto the properties settings and make sure there is a check mark next to where it says share with LPT1 which uses IRQ 7. Then go back and enable your network card, and USB controller (when u enable your network card, it may appear your computer is locked up... give it a few seconds). Also while your in your device manager double click "Computer". This brings up another window with a list of IRQs and what devices are in each. Make sure no devices are sharing IRQs (ignore the ones that say PCI steering). Sorry if I didn't go into enough detail.