It amazes me how resistant most non-technical people are to anything related to formal requirements tracking (and this includes many CTO's). They either
1) Hate documentation in general and just want to fly by the seat of their pants. In other words, they have no fucking idea how to do their job.
2) Hate having documentation that could hold them accountable later on. Sucks when you can't blame IT/IS when a client kicks in your door because your product/solution doesn't do XYZ.
Usually it's some combination of both, though. I worked for a VP for a long time who mostly fit with #1, and it drove me insane. I have no idea how he got to that level, but he had zero knowledge of SLDC management, Project Management, or anything that resembled a professional approach to modern software development. I tried time and time again to bring him up to speed, but he would immediately go into "deer in the headlights" mode. He was fired a year and a half ago, about a month after I quit.
That's what happens when you make an AS/400 guy a VP and said guy decides his learning period has ended.
Right now I have a client who's very resistant to formal requirements documentation, and that has induced all the standard pitfalls. When I was first brought in, I tried to use a formal approach but was told "that's now really how we do it here." So I did it their way for about 6 months. As time when on, I would be asked more and more "I can't remember - what did we decide this was supposed to do?"
I came up with a sneaky-ish solution: my team doesn't create anything until an email is distributed to the stakeholders outlining the requirements, and said stakeholders reply with "do it."
So it's not a word document :shrug:
I'll get them there...
I worked for a heavily matrixed organization and it was awesome. Everyone was accountable for everything they said, did, and agreed to. No more, no less. Nowhere to hide if you fucked up, regardless if you were a developer, technical lead, BA, PM, QA, etc.
Everything was awesome :whiste: