yeah yeah, I know, you don't do people's homework here. But what about extra credit, eh? I have this question for 15 extra points on my latest discrete test, and let me tell you, I need it. Trouble is, I'm not sure where to start. Here's la pregunta:
show that any positive integer is divisible by three if and only if the sum of its decimal digits is divisible by three. Use any positive integer is equal to a(n)a(n-1)...a(2)a(1)a(0) and 10^k is congruent to 1(mod 3) for k = 1,2,3...
Okay, what the hell is he talking about here? Granted, I suck at proofs regardless, but this is a doozie. Anyone wanna at least get me started? Pleeease?
show that any positive integer is divisible by three if and only if the sum of its decimal digits is divisible by three. Use any positive integer is equal to a(n)a(n-1)...a(2)a(1)a(0) and 10^k is congruent to 1(mod 3) for k = 1,2,3...
Okay, what the hell is he talking about here? Granted, I suck at proofs regardless, but this is a doozie. Anyone wanna at least get me started? Pleeease?