Wow, you guys are taking this question WAY too serious! I only asked out of curiosity. I never said I "valued" it or anything... but one *would* have to concur that if a user had a few hundred votes and his/her rating was indeed high, that it would be safe to say that the peson is probably very helpfull. On the other end of the spectrum though, I wouldn't value a low rating, as forums tend to touch on heated issues in which a lot of people would go to the trouble to rate someone poorly. Which is why I didn't ask who had the lowest (cause it's probably meaningless).
You all are too freaking touchy on this subject!
What's sad to me is this... because I even asked this question (out of simple curiosity, wondering if I knew them) some of you went to the trouble to rate me as a 1 to somehow prove some stupid point you concocted in your mind... and I went to a mid 5 to barely a 3. Not that I even really care... but that's just plain honery of you.
Also, I get slammed because I spelled wierd as "weird"?? How does that matter? I sometimes forget i before e when typing, besides, I didn't know we were in a spelling contest. I usually don't care too much about it anyhow... it's just a forum topic, not a letter to my senator or something. Sheesh!
Some of you are just plain senile! :disgust: