Who here took the National Spanish Exam?


Platinum Member
Dec 13, 1999
my high school only wants you to have 2 credits of another language.
they have a class called spanish for spanish speakers.
its spanish 1 the first semester and spanish 2 the second.
so I got 2 credits for it.

if i wanted to take the national spanish exam i would have to be in spanish 3 right now, cus thats what follows spanish 2, and spanish 3 is an honors class.
but i didnt want to cus i wanted to take other electives.


Golden Member
Jul 9, 2000
I took it about 4 years ago, and the listening part was tough. It's such a jump going from listening to a non-native speaking teacher to a native speaker. IMO, the writing wasn't too bad, but that listening was rough. If I could take it now though, I bet I could do a lot better because in the 4 spanish classes I've taken in college, 3 of my professors grew up in spanish speaking countries. Needless to say, I'm a lot better at understanding spoken spanish. :)
