<< Ok, you are the people that piss me off. I work at starbucks.
You should pay us for having to put up with the kind of crap YOU the consumer give us. I want half a shot, but my milk needs to be half non-fat half organic, with a pinch of nutmeg in it, then I want 4 and a 1/3 shot of vanilla, mixed in BEFORE the milk, and no foam on it please, but maybe a bit of whipped cream on the top, not too much.
If I wasnt working, I would tell this sample customer to kiss my ass, these people make me sick.
Back to you, tip your barista, trust me. >>
WTF? Your selling a product that the consumer can get anyway they like it. If you cannot do special orders, then why offer it?
BTW, i only drink mochas from starbucks. A basic fvckin mocha. Nothing added. So don't tell me i give you guys any crap at all, because i certainly do not.