Who here likes their job?


Elite member
Oct 22, 2000
Well? And if you do like it, why? Have you always? Or did you have a rough go of it when you started? Did you have a rough go after college and then get right after a while?

I'm discovering more and more that I hate my job. There's just no thought involved in it and I can't stand how dry it is. It should be interesting I suppose, people seem to think that I should really like it. I wonder if they realise that all I do every day is read numbers from a computer and then feed them back into the computer so that it can decide where to put a bunch of little green pieces of paper. There's no variety, there's nothing interesting about it and it's brain dead. People think a finance degree is difficult or something, but it's just not. Doing something in HR or Operations with Communications or Marketing or even general "Management" degrees is much more difficult and much more interesting but if you start out in Finance those areas won't touch you with a 20-foot pole because if you work with numbers you obviously must not be good with people.

I feel stuck in Finance because I just can't get any experience in Finance that's relevant to the areas I'm actually attracted to and I'm letting the whole thing just implode my life because I don't know how to handle it.

How does one get through something like this? Just keeps feeling more and more like I'm not in control of myself at all (not that I ever was in exceptional control, but that's a whole other story). I'm letting it affect relationships with friends and I've lost the ability to slow my mind down and enjoy things so I end up analysing everything to death and becoming increasingly paranoid in the process. I'm barely able to hang on to being personable at work anymore and I worry about snapping while I'm there. And all the while I keep telling myself that I should be happy. People would kill for the job I have. I feel like there has to be something seriously wrong with me that I don't want all this.

Fire away with all the witty quips and snide comments. I know I have enough people here who would love a chance to take a shot at me so go right ahead. But if anyone has some legitimate ideas, I would really appreciate those. I'm out of them at the moment.



Apr 25, 2000
I like my job.

Working in HR would be interesting? I can't think of anything worse, personally.


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2004
My job is demoralizing and derisive by nature (junior enlisted), I don't enjoy it but I do the best I can.