Originally posted by: gistech1978
it has happened to me.
its really bad when there are people waiting, like at a bar.
i step up to the plate and just choke.
it helps to flush the urinal and get that wooshing water sound and hopefully coax it out.
Originally posted by: HeroOfPellinor
When I was a kid once. It may have been a sports arena, but, in any case, there were no urinals...just a long trough thing with like a dozen guys using it at once. Problem was I didn't really have to go that bad and was shocked by the vulgarity of the situation.
Originally posted by: dman
Never had a problem. Pretty sad if you have to go and the fear that someone *might* see your bits and pieces can prevent that. Seriously, so what.
That said, I have left restrooms that have those open urinals where everyone gathers around a tub and pee's in it. Not that I couldn't pee, just that that seems over the top and I prefer not to participate. However, if I had to go real bad, it's still an option.
Originally posted by: skace
It is not the fear of someone else seeing you naked that causes it. It is the uncomfortable silence.
Originally posted by: moshquerade
i have heard bad things about a pisshardon, too.
Originally posted by: djheater
Understanding and Overcoming the Social Phobia of Using Public Restrooms
God Bless the internet.