White House advisers recommend lifting steel tariffs


May 21, 2002
Another Bush administration economic boondoggle. If they had an economic plan based on long term success and principles rather than short term financial and political gain maybe they could avoid these constant mistakes.

White House advisers recommend lifting steel tariffs

"In a decision driven by his political advisers, President Bush set aside his free- trade principles last year and imposed heavy tariffs on imported steel to help out struggling mills in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, two states crucial for his re-election.

Eighteen months later, key administration officials have concluded that Bush's order has turned into a debacle. Some economists say the tariffs may have cost more jobs than they saved, by driving up costs for automakers and other steel users. Politically, the strategy failed to produce union endorsements and appears to have hurt Bush with workers in Michigan and Tennessee -- also states at the heart of his 2004 strategy.

"They tried to play politics, and it looked like it was working for a while," said Bruce Bartlett, a conservative economist with ties to the administration. "But now it's fallen apart."


Sep 7, 2001
Of course, had Bush done nothing to try and help the last remaining bastion of steel production in the US from going bankrupt because it was unable to compete with cheap imports in an economic downturn, BOBDN would surely have posted something like:

"Another Bush administration economic boondoggle. If they had an economic plan based on long term success and principles rather than short term financial and political gain maybe they could avoid these constant mistakes."


May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: tcsenter
Of course, had Bush done nothing to try and help the last remaining bastion of steel production in the US from going bankrupt because it was unable to compete with cheap imports in an economic downturn, BOBDN would surely have posted something like:

"Another Bush administration economic boondoggle. If they had an economic plan based on long term success and principles rather than short term financial and political gain maybe they could avoid these constant mistakes."

You have no idea what I'd post, junior.

The Bush administration, in an effort doomed to fail, tried to prop up the now nearly defunct steel industry by increasing tarriffs on imports.

They did so to gain labor support.

They failed because their short term solution let do even more harmful long term effects.

I thought this was the CEO administration. All business all the time. What happened? Couldn't they think this through?


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
You have no idea what I'd post, junior.

LOL, as if your past posts aren't a good indication in and of itself. You are as predictable as the tides.......


Sep 7, 2001
You have no idea what I'd post, junior.
Oh, I can predict the future pretty well on this one. Just check out my crystal ball:
That was quite some time ago, LR, but I do seem to remember a looming trade war based on loss of European jobs from American imports.

We should have like courage in insisting our nation protect jobs here at home. We can only benefit from the similar ideas you've been posting. To do otherwise is to engage in VERY short term thinking.

We can also look to the Japanese and their very closed economic system for the same type of example of supporting your own nation's workers over cheaper foreign labor as well as the greed of our own corporate leaders.

BOBDN 09/08/2003 12:50 AM
While in another thread, you gave a nod of approval to a list of recommendations offered by JellyBaby of things Bush could do to encourage job growth. Among that list of recommendations, was
Re-evaluate our free trade agreements which seem to be a primary factor in job loss over the last decade or so.
Did you think JellyBaby meant liberalize NAFTA and free trade agreements?



Aug 10, 2002
Originally posted by: tcsenter
You have no idea what I'd post, junior.
Oh, I can predict the future pretty well on this one. Just check out my crystal ball:
That was quite some time ago, LR, but I do seem to remember a looming trade war based on loss of European jobs from American imports.

We should have like courage in insisting our nation protect jobs here at home. We can only benefit from the similar ideas you've been posting. To do otherwise is to engage in VERY short term thinking.

We can also look to the Japanese and their very closed economic system for the same type of example of supporting your own nation's workers over cheaper foreign labor as well as the greed of our own corporate leaders.

BOBDN 09/08/2003 12:50 AM
While in another thread, you gave a nod of approval to a list of recommendations offered by JellyBaby of things Bush could do to encourage job growth. Among that list of recommendations, was
Re-evaluate our free trade agreements which seem to be a primary factor in job loss over the last decade or so.
Did you think JellyBaby meant liberalize NAFTA and free trade agreements?


pwned I believe