Whistler questions: Does it have the same bootloader as Win2k? And does it have Win2k's annoying 60hz refresh thing?


Jun 3, 2000
Right now I have Win98SE, Win2000 and Linux set up in Tri boot using Win2000s bootloader. Will whistler personal edition use the same boot loader as Win2000? So can I just yank out Win2000 and Tri boot Win98SE/Whistler/Linux? Yes I know I won't need 98SE and Whilster Personal...but I want it, can it be done?

Also whenever PowerDVD or a game changes my Win2000 resolution it always goes to 60Hz...this is very annoying...I don't notice it right away and usually forget until an hour later when my eyes start to hurt....my monitor is capable of 85Hz in 800x600 and 1024x768 (the two resolutions I use), does Whislter personal keep 85Hz when switching resolutions from games/powerDVD?
(Note: when i change it myself it stays at 85Hz, just when it's changed by a program it doesn't)


Jun 3, 2000
I actually don't use powerDVD anymore, I have a hollywood+ but that was just an example.

What about games?

Because of my poor vision I keep my desktop in 800x600, but I expect my next video card purchase will be able to play games in 1024x768 so I'll need a resolution switch there.