Which will give me the highest OC.....the 630, 640 or the 820D ?


Senior member
Sep 12, 2005
I just want something that will OC the highest to hold me over until the new Intel chips get here in Feb. I want to have something that will OC the highest for now. This will be for music recording and not gaming, so I need pure CPU power.

PS....No need to tell me to get an X2....Check my sig, I already have a really good one. I want another rig for music and I want to have all the platforms covered. :)


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003
The 630 and 640 will probably overclock to about the same levels. The 820D doesn't even stand a chance, I have enough trouble keeping my 830D cool enough at stock speeds. The "new" Intel chips coming early next year won't be any faster, they will just run a little cooler, and maybe OC a little better, but they are just die shrunk prescotts, so they will perform identicaly at the same clock speeds. WIth decent cooling a 640 should reach 3.8-4ghz, I had my 540 @3.91ghz but it was water cooled.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
If you want it for Music, why the Intel ? Your 3800 is faster anyway.


Senior member
Aug 27, 2004
your X2 3800+ will be faster than any P-D unless you can OC the PD to 4.0 Ghz (even if you consider your purpose which is music? encoding?). at around 3.8-4.0 Ghz you may see parity with your system at 2.75Ghz

Normally an A64 at 2.6Ghz will be at parity with P4 at 3.8-4.0 Ghz in most general usage apps. so at 2.75 it should be enough to offset the multimedia encoding abilities of the P4. When it comes to games though, most P4s can't touch any A64 > 2.4Ghz (unless maybe if they're >4.0Ghz - sometimes that's not even enough)

No purpose in having "all the systems" covered, if you're planning to wait for the new intel chips in feb, that's fine, you can buy them when they come out, but for now, the X2 should be your other system as well. OR you could get those CABNE opterons and do 3+ Ghz A64 computing. :)


Apr 27, 2000
If you want a Pentium D, wait for the 9xx series which will be Presler chips. The 8xx series isn't even worth thinking about these days.

In fact, wait for the 65nm parts, period. There might be some damn fine overclockers in that bunch.


Senior member
Sep 12, 2005
One of the reasons for me not to buy another X2 system is that the 939 platform will be a dead end sooner than the Intel chipsets will be. It seems like the only truly new chip for 939 from AMD will be the FX-60 which will cost an astronomical amount.

I figured I would at least get the 955 now with a cheap chip (630, 640, 820D). The motherboard will last me till Yonah which will not debut until the second half of next year. I'll get a Pressler chip to go with that 955 in February and OC the hell out of that.

The 975 board will probably be more expensive with features I don't need.

As for my AMD rig I will probably wait until M2 comes out to change anything on that.


Golden Member
Sep 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Mixman
One of the reasons for me not to buy another X2 system is that the 939 platform will be a dead end sooner than the Intel chipsets will be. It seems like the only truly new chip for 939 from AMD will be the FX-60 which will cost an astronomical amount.

I must diagree entirely with you.

Socket 939 is not scheduled to "die" until Q2'07 at least.
Socket M2 will come out on H2'06

I would really be against beleiving on socket 775 longevity. Although the socket is phisically the same, many users that adopted motherboards with 915/925 chipsets are stuck with the 6xx series. No Dual Cores for us... at all.

Same goes for the new 9xx processors that will come out: Intel will roll out a new chipset because of electrical incompatibility with previews versions of their products. Beleive me, long-term wise, Intel Plataforms ARE NOT the way to go, and if you wish to have an upgradable path, then get the ASRock motherboard, which will be able to have an ad-on card for M2 socket. THEN you are future ready.

Anyways... the 6xx series seems to be overclocking better.


Senior member
Dec 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Aenslead
Originally posted by: thecoolnessrune
You cant say cheap chip and Intel 6xx series in the same sentence ;)

Intel 6xx series cheap chip! :D

The 630 is going for $175 at Chiefvalue, not too expensive (not as low as 3000+ or 3200+ though.)

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
My Intel 640 oc'd to 4ghz on stock voltage. Due to heat, you'll be lucky to get to 3.5ghz with the 820 w/out water cooling. The Intel 630 will be a good overclocker but not as well as the 640 due to the lower multi.

Your statements about the X2 and Intel platforms are completely wrong. Yonah will require a new motherboard/chipset. A 939 X2 oc'd system will last you several years and outperform any current Intel system. No matter what you buy today, you'll have to upgrade your motherboard/cpu if you want the latest and greatest in 2006.


Senior member
Sep 12, 2005
Originally posted by: Capt Caveman
My Intel 640 oc'd to 4ghz on stock voltage. Due to heat, you'll be lucky to get to 3.5ghz with the 820 w/out water cooling. The Intel 630 will be a good overclocker but not as well as the 640 due to the lower multi.

Your statements about the X2 and Intel platforms are completely wrong. Yonah will require a new motherboard/chipset. A 939 X2 oc'd system will last you several years and outperform any current Intel system. No matter what you buy today, you'll have to upgrade your motherboard/cpu if you want the latest and greatest in 2006.

You said exactly what I said. That my current X2 system is what's hot and I don't see the need in getting another, for a while. Yes the 939 will be around longer, but let's face it, the best chips and technology will be on M2.

I do see there are quite a few of you guys that are dual platform......so I now don't feel so bad ! ;)



Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
The only reason I got my 820D was to compare it to a 3800+, both OC'ed and benchmark. I soon found out the 820D is a furnace, even with the Big Typhoon, and an open case with a 120 mm exhaust fan hanging in the open side !. As far as benchmarks, the 3800+ kills it. So take my word for it, just get another 3800.


Senior member
Sep 12, 2005
Yeah but what about a 630 or 640 ? Couldn't I get a better OC and thus better performance out of them than an 820 ?


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
What are you looking to do ? What app ? is the app single threaded only ? Or is it multi-threaded ? If its single threaded, get Opteron 146 and OC it (I hear they have been getting 3 ghz on air) If you want dual-threded, get the 165 and OC it.

Right now there is nothing that Intel sells that is worth buying (except Pentium-M, but the Turion is so close, and cheaper, even thats a tossup). Everyone here knows that.


Senior member
Sep 12, 2005
Digidesign Pro tools is the app. Music recording.

I am not going to get the same setup for the music. I'll either get an Intel just for assured compatibility with Pro Tools or I will get a clearly superior AMD system.

Right now the only thing I see promisiong that will beat my current X2 system for a reasonable amount of money is maybe a Dual Opteron 175. I see they have the possibility of hitting over 3.0 Ghz. That's what I would need in order to buy another AMD system now.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Compatability is nt an issue. You could test it on your 3800 if you felt compelled.


Feb 27, 2003
To me it seems that if you want to run P4 dualcores a water cooling system is needed if you want to have some room to o/c.

There's no way I can follow your reasoning to get an Intel based setup.