Which Via 4in1 do I use with the AMD 760 chipset?


Golden Member
May 30, 2001
Okay it may sound like a newbie question but I don't care.
Anyways seriously, I have the FIC AD11, which is based on the AMD 761 chipset for northbridge and Via 686B for the southbridge.

I have lost my FIC cd so I went and downloaded the AGP AMD Miniport drivers (4.80) for win98. I install those first and than which Via 4in1's do I install? The ones based on the KT266, KT133, KT133A?

And than I leave the AGP drivers out, right cause those come with the AMD ones before hand? Also after I go through the part where it shows installing the DMA, etc, it asks if to install some sort of Miniport drivers as well, do I skip that as well?

Also if I install the wrong ones can I just "override" the old ones? Cause I have treid the KT266 4in1 and my system wouldn't be stable and give me errors. Of course I installed all the drivers that came with the Via 4in1 pack as well.

Alright I guess that's everything. Sorry for the newbie question, but nobody ever told me how to do this, and I learn everything online...

Thanks for your time.



Apr 23, 2000
You can use some of the Via 4 in 1 drivers,don`t install the Via AGP driver(make sure you deselect it on install),since you will use the AMD agp mini port driver for northbridge.

If you installed all the Via 4 in 1 drivers you can uninstall them,during the install setup it gives you the option to uninstall them.


Golden Member
May 30, 2001
No. I have a Via Southbridge..

I figured it out, already thanks guys.

Only now I have a new problem, c other post of mine. lol its the damn mobo..