Originally posted by: BenSkywalker
I took a look at the Xbox 360 controller and I don't see how that would make playing the game better then on my PC...it still has a few buttons that need to be pushed so how will that make it any different then using my mouse/keyboard combo?
Analog versus digital, it makes a HUGE difference.
If you are using your keyboard or mouse for steering and throttle you have a limited amount of options. Full throttle and going straight, off throttle and going straigt, steering maximum in one direction full throttle, steering maximum in one direction with no throttle. Imagine trying to drive a car like that? Heh, wouldn't work too well
The 360 or PS3 controller both allow you to either use the joysticks or shoulder buttons(which have a reasonable amount of throw to them) to modulate the throttle or steering. As an example of why this could be huge, say you are taking the turn at the top of Laguna Secca's hill on the back side of the course and you are in a RWD car, you brake and then go into the turn, you don't have enough traction to put down full power so either you do it anyway and spin out due to oversteer sliding into the sand(if you are lucky), or you lift throttle which gives you compression braking and massive understeer so you push the corner and end up off the track anyway. Another example is when the need comes to countersteer out of oversteer. In more powerful cars snapping to full reverse lock is more likely to cause a spin then modulating the throttle and driving out of it(not that countersteering isn't ideal, just picking the lesser evil). In so many ways digital controls are so bad for racing games it is hard to explain properly.
In so many ways digital controls in race sims are just complete and utter failures, I honestly think the gaming companies would do their customers service by not supporting digital controls at all in the games, it would give gamers a much better overall experience.
As far as playing the NFS games, those are straight up arcade games with at most a vague hint at reality. They haven't utilized anything resembling realistic physics and their control mechanics are far simpler due to this and quite manageable on digital controls. Same with Burnout for that matter, once you get into the sim realm though, entirely different ballgame.
Also, if you plan on getting the new NFS when it comes out(it looks to be the best in the series ever by a long shot honestly) you will also want to pick up at least a controller. Either 360 or PS3- both are VASTLY superior to any digital input. I prefer the PS3 controller for racing games, I like using the shoulder buttons when using a gamepad for brake/gas and the PS3's seems to be a bit easier to modulate, but that is splitting hairs- what you are using now is a Yugo and we are comparing Porshce/Vette level performance characteristics by comparison
