no, the fact is one person you know of had an issue with his case and the tpII and because larva is someone who you are very impressed by, you cling to this as "fact" and continually make the same ridiculous assertion in every thread where the antec is mentioned.
the fact i can't argue is i have 3 tpII's and have run them in a CM praetorian. a silverstone LC13 (htpc case), an antec 3700 and a 2 skyhawk cheapos and i have never seen the fans spin above 1100rpm and typically they are ~900.
among other things, larva says "if the case is free flowing, you won't have a problem". well, the lc13 and the skyhawks are anything but free flowing. stifling would be a better description. you can take a look at them and see for yourself. the antec has been run with and without the front 120mm fan. no configuration of fans in any of these cases has given the tpII any problem at all. zero.
larva linked me to the case he has and i'm stunned it would have a problem with any air flow really. so perhaps he got a unit with a bad sensor? he never mentions how high the temps were when the fan spun up to 1800rpm.
it just seems to me that you are trying to sound well informed by parroting the info one person gave you despite the fact that many, many people are using these psus without this issue that larva experienced. why can't you just say "i'd rather have the fortron"?
btw, i read your posts and i don't see how i misquoted you. i've seen you state that the antec tpII's fan "lacks functionality" in a few threads, here and at xs and i think its irresponsible for you to continue making this assertion until you have more "facts".