If having a flat screen is important, you're going to need to go with a Sony Trinitron or Mitsubishi Diamondtron-based monitor. I just got a iiyama i90a and searched forever reading conflicting reviews about every monitor I researched. However, in the 19" family, the monitors I thought were about the best, were, of course the iiyama i90a, the KDS Avitron, or the Sony G400. I have listed these monitors because they all do at least 85 Hz @ 1600 x 1200. I think anyone purchasing a monitor needs to realize however that it is a bit of a crap shoot. So, purchase from a vendor with a good return policy.
I am so far relatively happy with my i90a. My only complaint is that text is not quite as sharp as it was on my previous Sony 15" Trinitron, but this may be a video card related issue, so don't put too much weight on this. I can answer other questions about my experiences with the i90a if you want. Hope this helps!