Which monitor ?


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
OK , I am going to buy a new monitor . Probably a 19" , maybe a 21" . I have read tons of reviews and have found good reviews and bad reviews about every monitor I have looked at . I would like something with a flat screen . Which one ? Thanks


Golden Member
Nov 5, 2000
If having a flat screen is important, you're going to need to go with a Sony Trinitron or Mitsubishi Diamondtron-based monitor. I just got a iiyama i90a and searched forever reading conflicting reviews about every monitor I researched. However, in the 19" family, the monitors I thought were about the best, were, of course the iiyama i90a, the KDS Avitron, or the Sony G400. I have listed these monitors because they all do at least 85 Hz @ 1600 x 1200. I think anyone purchasing a monitor needs to realize however that it is a bit of a crap shoot. So, purchase from a vendor with a good return policy.
I am so far relatively happy with my i90a. My only complaint is that text is not quite as sharp as it was on my previous Sony 15" Trinitron, but this may be a video card related issue, so don't put too much weight on this. I can answer other questions about my experiences with the i90a if you want. Hope this helps!


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
I live in a small town and only have Office Depot to check out and they have a very limited selection . They got in the KDS 19" trinitron today but none were setup yet . I have read everything I can find and just get more and more confused .


Golden Member
Nov 5, 2000
I was set to buy the Avitron at one point, until I actually saw the monitor. From the reviews I had read, it really seemed like a good display; get a Sony tube without the Sony price. But after seeing it, I really thought it was too big and bulky. This is the reason I went with the iiyama. If the size of the KDS doesn't bother you, I think anyone would be more than happy with the Avitron. Also, if you don't like it, the return wouldn't be a hassle. That's my two cents anyway.