Their channel is unwatchable with the analysts now. Fair and balanced is apparently, let's find the most controversial and extreme two opinions we can find and see how many people we can piss off.
Well, Foxnews is the "fair and balanced" network but CNN is also unwatchable. As you indicated they bring in hacks from both parties to discuss issues and I guess they think that equals balance -- it does not. It isn't about throwing light on issues just about throwing heat on it.
They like bringing in the party hacks as they're an easy get -- they bring up there contact list for the D's and R's and make a couple calls and they are guaranteed to get someone to come on the show. They get to pretend that doing this is a sign of there balance, but in truth they really prefer the heated arguments to sober discussion.
Perhaps the best example of this was there show Crossfire.
On top of that they aren't even in the news business most evenings as they appear to want to morph into a reality network.