Which is the real max refresh rate to follow, manufacturers or windows?


Senior member
Nov 20, 2001
I have a 17" Sony Multiscan 200sx Trinitron monitor, what is the real max refresh rate I can use. I have had this monitor for about 4 years, and have ussually had it set at 85hz when at 800 x 600 and 75hz at 1024 x 768. These are the resolutions I use the most for desktop applications and games. I remember the manuals and box when I had them along time ago stated "up to 85hz at 800 x 600 and 75hz at 1024 x 768". Windows xp says under the "hide modes this monitor cannot display" option that it can do 100hz at 800 x 600 and 85hz at 1024 x 768. I would really like to run at 85 hz at 1024 x 768 but don't want to fry my monitor. I know it can do alot higher than both of those, like 120hz, becuase I have seen it running that when set to optimum in win 98. Which is the right max or does it really matter? I am sure it could probably handle it but, is it hard on the monitor. I would rather have my monitor last longer than have a higher refresh rate, unless were talking about a few months difference compared to a few years difference.

Thanks for any info!


Golden Member
Feb 7, 2001
Obviously the quickest thing to do would be to try it and see if it works, if the monitor can display it, then it isn't going to do any horrendous amount of damage to the monitor over normal usage.

BUT chances are if both the docs and Windows say it can't display it... it really can't.

And 120Hz at 1024x768... are you sure? And the docs say not over 75...? Usually a monitor will just 'no signal' if it can't display above a certain refresh, so it shouldn't even display it if its gonna hurt the monitor.


Senior member
Nov 20, 2001

<< And 120Hz at 1024x768... are you sure? >>

Sorry for any confusion. This was 800 x 600 with a voodoo banshee just after install with some driver issues. My current card will not do it. The banshee wanted to use the optimum setting and that is the refresh rate my monitor showed. I changed it to 85 right away, but yes I have seen it do that.

So what you are saying is that if the monitor will run it, it should be fine becuase it will not work otherwise. I just tried to run 1024 x 768 @ 100 hz and it just "no signaled" like you said, but it will do 100hz at 800 x 600 and 85hz at 1024 x 768. Do manufactures just say that to be on the safe side?

Thanks for the input!