10-13-04 Update: As I mentioned before, I have been in contact with Antec and have received a confirmation for the ABIT brand motherboard. Below is a blurb from their company representative on this issue:
We've heard of problems with our TruePower's and Abit's AV8 motherboard.
Recently Abit reported that our True power series has compatibility issue with their AV8. The symptom is the system will be in reboot loop during startup. We've tested all Truepower models here and haven't been able to recreate the problem.
According to our engineers, the symptom is not happening to every unit, but rather to a few here and there. They have found out that the instability was caused by 5Vsb and they come up with a solution by changing a capacitor in the power supply.
As a service to our customers we're replacing problem TruePowers with these updated versions. We instituted an inline change for all TruePower power supplies so that in the near future exchanging the PSU's with us will not be necessary.
If you are having stability issues with your Antec TruePower PSU and the ABIT AV8 Motherboard, you can contact
They are still looking into the issue with the MSI board and I will post any additional information I receive regarding the stability issue.
Please note that I was unable to get the Antec line of power supplies to work with any stability with either of these boards
[ABIT AV8 and MSI K8N Neo2]. I will see about contacting them and trying to find out if they are looking at this issue, but as of right now I would recommend staying away from this brand until the problem is rectified. This is really a shame, too, as the Antec is one of the best performing brands on the market, but stability is a huge issue. When I changed out to a Thermaltake model and left all other settings alone, the system worked flawlessly."