Which heatsink?


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2005
I have $55 for a hs/f. It will be cooling an Opteron on a DFI Lanparty Ultra-d. So, keep in mind the DFI board's layout. Anyhow, I'm not really sure what to spend my hard earned cash on and I wanna make a good choice.

I have been looking at the XP-120, and I think it will fit on the DFI Lanparty, but I can't tell for sure. Anyone have and XP-120 on a DFI Lanparty that could let me know if it will fit?

Another, more expensive option is the Zalman CNPS9500. Once again, It's awfully big so does anyone know if it has any trouble fitting on a DFI Lanparty?

The final one I was comtemplating is the Scythe Ninja. Since I am an overclocker, I would of course opt out of silent and purchase a nice fan. That would bring the price up to XP-120 range.

So, what to choose? I'm really liking the XP-90 for $25!! at SVC, but I'm not sure if that will suffice as far as temperatures go. Guide me in the right direction please :).


Oct 16, 2004
You'll probably get more and better answers in Cases and Cooling.

Anyway, I'd recommend either the SI-120 or the Scythe Ninja (the SI-120 is the more compatible version of the XP-120). They are both among the best air coolers period, and that's that. The Zalman is nice, but its performance to noise ratio is worse than the other two. Personally, I'd get the Ninja, but I would have no problem using the SI-120 either.

The XP-90 is also a very nice little heatsink if you are on a limited budget. It performs just as well as its big brother, but with a smaller fan (thus louder).


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2005
I really really like the Scythe Ninja. I'll be picking one up if I don't skimp out and get a cheaper XP-90


Senior member
Jul 16, 2005
I thought the stock 4 heatpipe cooler that came w/ the dual core opterons are better than the XP-90. There are reviews online for it.

At most, all you need to do is to switch out the fan for a better one and keep the heatsink.


Platinum Member
Jan 29, 2000
I'd suggest the TT Big Typhon it cools better than all of the hsf's listed here except the Sythe Ninja and that is only better w/ 2 fans


Golden Member
Sep 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Arcanedeath
I'd suggest the TT Big Typhon it cools better than all of the hsf's listed here except the Sythe Ninja and that is only better w/ 2 fans

follow my lead man..... 53% overclock, same hardware.

get the typhoon, i'ved used the ninja too and I was not impressed as much


Senior member
Nov 14, 2005
yup if you have that new stock opteron cooler with heatpipes, you dont want any other HSF. thats right up there with good HSF like zalmans and thermatakes.

if you dont, a si120's slightly better then the XP-90, but not by much. depends on what you want to spend really.


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2005
I don't have the stock Opteron heatsink because I purchased the Opteron OEM and just added on Monarch's "Opteron Certified HS/F." So, I do actually need a new HS/F. Right now I am leaning towards the Scythe Ninja, because in most comparative (did I just make up a word?) reviews, the Ninja beats all the others.


Sep 10, 2004
Originally posted by: atybimf
I don't have the stock Opteron heatsink because I purchased the Opteron OEM and just added on Monarch's "Opteron Certified HS/F." So, I do actually need a new HS/F. Right now I am leaning towards the Scythe Ninja, because in most comparative (did I just make up a word?) reviews, the Ninja beats all the others.

Hmm... I chose no heatsink and I got the stock opteron heatsink for the mobo combo :) Hooah for opty 165 OEM + dfi ultra-d. Just get an xp-90c and get over with it :)... Also depends on your case. If there is no duct near the cpu fan, then get something like a Cooler Master Hyper 6. If there is one, aim for the xp 90c's, etc.


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Ricemarine
Originally posted by: atybimf
I don't have the stock Opteron heatsink because I purchased the Opteron OEM and just added on Monarch's "Opteron Certified HS/F." So, I do actually need a new HS/F. Right now I am leaning towards the Scythe Ninja, because in most comparative (did I just make up a word?) reviews, the Ninja beats all the others.

Hmm... I chose no heatsink and I got the stock opteron heatsink for the mobo combo :) Hooah for opty 165 OEM + dfi ultra-d. Just get an xp-90c and get over with it :)... Also depends on your case. If there is no duct near the cpu fan, then get something like a Cooler Master Hyper 6. If there is one, aim for the xp 90c's, etc.

Yes, the XP-90c is very appealing becaue of the price. I may end up going with that in the end.