Which GeForce 3 Card Should I Get ?


Platinum Member
Feb 4, 2000

A seven way shoot out there... but I still cannot decide

I think I've narrowed it down to:

ASUS V8200 Deluxe - £354.84
ELSA GLADIAC 920 - £297.27
Hercules 3D Prophet III - £366.59

I think I am inclined to get the Elsa, as it is much cheeper :D

Currently, I have a Creative GeForce DDR, which I feel is a cause of my computer crashing in games, it is defintly a hard ware lock up.


Jan 16, 2001
All of the recently released GF3's have the 3.8ns memory, while some of the very early ones had "only" the 4ns. It did make a small performance diff. I think this is mentioned in the article that you linked to. Great shootout BTW; I read that article when it first came out. Kind of like reading a Porsche vs. Ferrari vs. Lambo type article! Drool.

Anway, performance-wise all the GF3 cards score within 1 FPS of each other...no discernable diff. However, some have VIVO capabilities, while some don't. On yesterday's main AT page, there was a review posted (great article BTW, Anand!) on the Gainward GF3 card. It has all the bells and whistles and comes with some video editing software/utilities to boot. Really nice card, but expensive (out of my budget anyway). I guess it all boils down to what you want it to do. Some folks already have a dedicated video capture card so they wouldn't need a vidcard w/that capability, since a stand-alone vidcapture card is going to have better quality and more features that a standard VGA vidcard with a daughter board tacked on.

I don't do any video capture stuff. Sure, I'd like to play with it one day, but it probably wouldn't amount to much...so I would just get the cheapest GF3 out. It depends on your needs. Gaming-wise, there's not enough performance diff B/T them to matter.


Jun 14, 2001
I'm almost always afraid of non-familiar name brands... had an Asus GeForce and a Hercules GeForce2.

I went with Visiontek. VERY HAPPY. Doesn't LOOK real great, and I don't want my video card to do VIVO, etc. But it does run WELL!

Aircool overclocks to 245/545 with NO stability problems under any games (NOLF, UT, Q3TA, etc.)Used 12.41 WHQL under Win2K. I don't know if it'll clock higher, I haven't tried yet.

Yes, I fixed the overclock bug in the 12.xx drivers.