Which community forum do you prefer to use?


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
I played with ikonboard about a year ago, but now I hear good things about phpBB
and invision power board.

Which is better? I would like options for different skins and maybe a few mods (nothing overkill)

Will be running this on FreeBSD 4.8


Golden Member
Feb 17, 2003
I've done some phpBB2 installs, and useability wise it's pretty good.

Security is something I worry about however. A while back I disclosed some vulns on their forums with fixes after they wouldn't respond to my emails, and their response was to flame me for (get this) not attempting to contact them and ban me from their forums. Thankfully they at least fixed the bug. I have to wonder though, if that was the response I got then, whether they take a serious stance on security. The way I look at it, all the forums I'm running it on are piddly little forums that aren't in any way connected with money, so I'm not all that concerned.


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2001
I'm using Invision Power Board right now and it's pretty decent. I haven't really used it that much because no one wants to join. :( It took a while for me to set up because I was a MySQL, PHP, and Apache newbie but got it running after looking at some tutorials and stuff. There are skins available because I see the option of loading separate skins but I never really bothered to try it out. Hope this helps :)