Which CHIP to buy....?????


Junior Member
Sep 21, 2000
I am thinking of buying a new computer and was wondering which chip to get? I was mainly thinking of pentium III or IV when it comes out. Is it worth the wait and money to buy a p4? help if you can....


Mar 9, 2000
p4 too expensive when i rolls out
p4 uses diferent ram from what i know
uses a new mobo type
are u going to shell out all that money


Elite Member Mobile Devices
Jan 25, 2000
It's tough to guess. Intel hasn't released specs, pricing or performance numbers, so it's hard to make a call one way or the other.

Since it's a new computer that you are considering, most of the points Bonkers made about it requiring different components don't really apply. The last point, that it will be expensive, is probably true, although neither Intel nor any OEMs have released pricing information. There are rumors for both performance and pricing, but they may or may not be correct.

If you really need a new computer in the near future, then I would recommend a computer with a Pentium III or a Athlon processor running at no less than 550MHz - the sweet spot is somewhere in the 700MHz range. I'd get no less than 128MB, no less than 256MB if you plan to run Win2k. I'd get no smaller than a 20GB HD - unless you end up buying a SCSI system. I'd definitely get a 4X or faster CD-R. I'd get most of my components USB. I'd get an nVidia GeForce or better video card. I'd get a no smaller than a 19" monitor - preferably with a Trinitron tube.

If you can wait, I would recommend waiting at least a month or two. As we head into the Christmas season, prices will drop and specials will increase and the intro of the Pentium IV will inevitably result in lower prices.