Which (Bay Area) DSL service?

El Norm

Senior member
Oct 29, 1999
Hey i'm going to order DSL really soon as soon as i figure out what service and modem ect. I would really like some info on which DSl service would be the best to go with. I'd really like some info from people who have switch provers and can compare them. I'm from the Bay Area (San Jose) and am thinking about pacbell but the only reason i am thinking that is because pacbell is about the only privider i know.

I appreciate any input any can give me. THX in advanced.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I use pacbell and I've found their service to be fairly reliable. Get around 80-90 KB/s downloads generally. I was one of the first ones up so I got a static IP instead of PPPoE =D. I think Earthlink and Covad are other providers that have competitive rates to PacBell these days.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2000
Hi El Norm,

Do you need/want a static IP or dynamic IP?

You will pay a premium for static IP, but you host a web, ftp, or game server. I suggest looking into DSL Northwest. They have a package for $60 a month package for 784 down/392 up max, depending on how far you are from their central office.

If you want dynamic IP you have more options. I do not recommend Pac Bell since their tech support is mostly unknowledgeable. The wait time is horrendous. The shortest wait time for me was 15 minutes, longest 1 hour 15 minutes. Since I have a dial-up account with Mindspring, I have been very happy with their tech support. Shortest wait, 1 minute, longest wait 15 minutes. You should not pay more than $40 a month. Also, installation, modem, and a network card should be free.

Also, see if the DSL provider will also offer 10-20 hours of free monthly dial-up service. This way, you have some options if your DSL goes down, or if you need to check e-mail while on the road.


El Norm

Senior member
Oct 29, 1999
yeah i've been trying to find a free hardware deal but all the pacbell deals are long over. i saw a free modem /2months free dsl on the intelweboutfitter site but that is long over with said a pacbell employee and intel needs to update their site.

Wish i could of gotten that static ip still but now i don't thnink i'd pay extra 40$ a month.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2000
Oh, one more thing... DSL Reports has a listing of an awful lot of DSL providers. It is a good resource. Just enter your phone number in and they can narrow down the providers in your area.



Oct 9, 1999
El Norm,
you might consider Earthlink...from what I've heard they have better customer support than PacBell and if you look over in the hot deals forum their is a big thread going about there $39 rate that is available to Californian's if you ask for it...Some friends in SJ have PacBell DSL and have been generally happy although installation took forever as does the on hold times for customer support they say...
I live in Saratoga and have @home cable modem which has been great and super fast but you cant get it yet in SJ because of your old Cable infrastructure and that A/B crap you have...(supposedly @home might be available there later this year or early next, although its been a moving target as to when it will be)