Originally posted by: GeoffS
Me too.
/begin rant
D2OL was just too screwed up for me...
1. An idiot wannabe TFY mod... Nuf said.
2. Cheating. I could probably steal half of the users nodes. Do they know? Yes. Did they do anything about it? Hardly...

3. Cheating. I could upload thousands of candidates a day without crunching for months. Would they know the difference? Nope. Did they do anything about it? Hardly...

4. Stats. Don't even get me started.

5. Did I mention cheating?

6. The message board is officially DOA. See #1.
To be honest, I despise the FaD client. This multi-window crap sucks. I'm just picky, I guess.

But atleast is doesn't mess up my DVD burning, give my computer 4 second pauses for no real reason every few minutes, and they appear to
actually do something with the data.
/end rant
Ok, I'm done.
I am glad most of us from the D2OL team ended up in the same place. ie. Find-a-Drug.