Where's the best place to put your subwoofer


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2001
ACoustics-wise:cool: For best sound?:confused:

Up high? Down low? On the desk? Or on the floor?

I have mine under the desk. There is like a 1/2 inch clearance from the desk to the subwoofer.

I have the AltecLansing AC-33. Yeah the sub is pretty weak. I'm trying to get the most out my speakers.:D


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2000
on the floor, in a corner so that the sound waves have something to bounce off of. because the sounds are such low frequency, they will always be heard whether the woofer is really close or far away (that is a real unscientific way of putting it). usually you can just put it under your comp desk and you'll be fine. for home theaters, in a corner away from the tv is best.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2000
in the corner of a room
up or down doesn't really matter.
just dont' put next to or on something that will rattle


Senior member
Dec 24, 2000
Theres alot that actually goes into good sub placement but most people just stick it under their desk and if its a fully enclosed desk type thing (ya know back, and then the space where your legs go surrounded by stuff on each side) in one corner of it and that works fine (Its how mines setup, except my desk is also in the corner of my room so I get the boost there) but if you place the sub against one wall, you'll generally get a boost in bass performance. If you touch two walls you get an even better increase...but it'll radiat throughout the house. Also, placing the sub on concret floors wont give ya a really good sound, but it'll work...and it'll sound really wierd if ya put it on a wood floor...and for god sakes dont put it above your head :) But if ya want some really good subwoofer placement tips go check out Sound & Vision magazine or Home Theater...cause they both generally put sub stuff in...check their archives


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2001
Wow! Thanks for all the great advice! :)
And am I hurting my computer buy having the subwoofer close to it? I know the satellites are magnetically shielded, but I'm not sure about the sub.

edit: the sub's not magnetically shielded. But i think this is only important when placed close to the monitor.