Where to get EFI Main Relay for 93 Civic?

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Platinum Member
Dec 13, 2005
Although, I guess to start I should describe my problem before I try and buy the part.

In warmer weather (late spring, summer) I sometimes have issues starting the car. If I leave it parked out in the sun sometimes it wont start immediately and I'll have to pop the hood/open windows and let the car air out for a bit. After that it'll start. This isn't too much of a bother, as I generally have it parked in shady areas (trees at home, garage at work).

However, sometimes it'll act similarly when I refill gas. I'll park the car, fill it up, then start the car. Sometimes it'll work fine, other times the engine will start and then die after a few seconds. In those cases, I have to sit for a few minutes, but the car eventually starts again. I've tried giving the car gas as I start it up, but the engine shutting off still happens.

Looking around on Google it seems like the EFI Main Relay is the most likely culprit. Figure it's worth a shot, but I can't find any place that sells them.

One last question; how difficult would replacing the main relay be? The most complicated thing I've done is replace the front brake discs. I do have the Chilton guide for my car, but a quick glance isn't telling me anything useful.


Golden Member
Jan 9, 2006
It should be under the dash - drivers side down by your left foot I believe. It isn't that hard to replace, almost plug and play.


Diamond Member
Aug 20, 2004
Relays are easy to find & buy at most parts stores. Easy to change once you find it.
Fuel relay would usually be underhood. But, my opinion is your Fuel Pressure regulator
is defective. It has a rubber diaphram inside it and a vacuum line connected to it. It sits
on one end of the fuel injector rail. When it fails, you will experience a hard hot start
condition. Had this happen to me on a 1989 Grand Am with the Quad-4 engine.

Here is a parts breakdown for the 2003 Civic Ex with Automatic .. I think what your
problem is is part #06 .. Fuel Pressure Regulator. You can go back to the main page
if you need to change specs on your exact car.


1993 Honda Civic 2DR EX KA 4AT engine Intake Manifold parts



Platinum Member
Dec 13, 2005
Thanks everyone, once I got a part number for it I was able to find a lot more sellers. It seems like Advanced Auto has it in stock, so I'll probably just head there this weekend.

Relays are easy to find & buy at most parts stores. Easy to change once you find it.
Fuel relay would usually be underhood. But, my opinion is your Fuel Pressure regulator
is defective. It has a rubber diaphram inside it and a vacuum line connected to it. It sits
on one end of the fuel injector rail. When it fails, you will experience a hard hot start
condition. Had this happen to me on a 1989 Grand Am with the Quad-4 engine.

Here is a parts breakdown for the 2003 Civic Ex with Automatic .. I think what your
problem is is part #06 .. Fuel Pressure Regulator. You can go back to the main page
if you need to change specs on your exact car.


1993 Honda Civic 2DR EX KA 4AT engine Intake Manifold parts


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I think I'm going to try the main relay first. It sounds easier, the part looks to be cheaper, and this description of cracked solder in the pump circuit sounds just like what happens to me.


Diamond Member
Aug 20, 2004
Perhaps remove the part and inspect the solder connections. If it is bad, it is easy to repair.


Platinum Member
Dec 13, 2005
I took out the old relay yesterday and there was indeed a dry joint. I know you said repairing it is easy, but I'm not ready to try and solder at this time. I went and bought a new relay and figure I'll keep the old one for a learning experience at some point down the line.

Go figure, something else went wrong but I'll be starting a new thread for that.

Thanks for all the help guys.
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