Woke up this morning to a warning on my screen, that I had a virus that Norton caught. W32.Badtrans.13312@mm, in an attachment to an email, called Humor.TXT.pif. So I let Norton deal with it automatically, which it did by quarantining it, said it could not be repaired. I was sleepy, and didn't think to look in my Eudora Attach folder to see which reecent email it came from, so I could scold the sender. Once I thought of it, and looked in Quarantine, there was no clue in there as to the email source. Os I figured it was safe enough to restore it and start over, so I did and then looked back through all my emails, and there was none with that name. My sister sent me a couple of jokes lately, but I didn't find anything attached there. So I sent it to quarantine again. I then went to my other computer, on which my wife uses Outlook express, same email account at the ISP, to look for it there, in an undisturbed state, and don't see anywhere in OE that they keep attachments. I did a search for Humor.txt.pif, and found nothing. I scanned the OE folder with Norton and it found nothing. So it's puzzling. But I'm curious -- Eudora has a specific folder, ProgramFiles\Eudora\Attach. Does OE have anything like that?