Where did all my space go?


Feb 16, 2003
Well, I have a 120GB WD JB drive, partitioned into a 43.3GB, 39GB, and a 29.3GB partition setup. The 29GB is for other reserved space, the 39GB is just space partitioned off that I don't need right now which I'm keeping aside should I ever decide to dual boot or want to have a partition for whatever reason.

So basically, everything is on the 43.3GB (C:) partition. According to windows, 34.9GB is free which means that 8.4GB is used. While I'm not freaking out over this usage at all since I have plenty of space, I like to keep my computer clean.

Anyway, I'll make a quick run through of my main directories directly under the C: drive.

ATI: 12.2MB
Documents and Settings: 835MB
My Shared Folder: Empty
Program Files: 3.11GB On Disk
Windows: 1.48GB
Winfast Work Area: Empty
WUTemp: Empty
Total: 5759175 MB

BTW, for the calculation of MB, I used the data for MB in size Windows gave me under Folder Properties. Also, I did not include the ATI, Setup, and Empty folders because they don't really matter. So I used Windows, Program Files, and Documents and Settings. I used Disk Cleanup and I cleard most of the restore points.

What am I missing? or What is taking up that space? Again, I don't mind using up the space, but I just like to keep my computer clean of junk and know what is on my computer ebcause I really hate getting large amoutns of useless stuff to an amount where I can't remove it so I either live with it or format.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
sorry was watching a movie lol
meant system restore
right click my computer
select properties
then sys restore
then settings
then set the amount of hdd space you want to use

also right click on recycle bin set to use 10%

or do nothing and know where the extra space went

sorry but it was star trek lol


Feb 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Wolfsraider
recycle bin set to 10% maybe ;)

right click my computer
select properties

set it to 600mb to 1 gig

Is that for XP? I'm on XP Pro and I can't find it, either way, my recycble bin is empty.


Diamond Member
May 8, 2000
Did you see his edit about System Restore? That was going to be my guess as well. It's a huge space hog. I turn it off and make my own backups. ;)


Aug 31, 2002
Recycle Bin takes up 10% of each partition, you can change that somewhere. Try looking aorund in recycle bin.

Also system restore is a hog too, and i think it's useless. You take such a performance hit when u use it that it isn't really worth it when you can take all the usefull data off a fresh install and speed things up.


Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2001
If you want to see just how much space it's taking up, you'll need to remove the security permissions on the "System Volume Information" folder to see. Here's how:

Open C:, right-click System Volume Information (if you can't see it, turn on View All Files in Folder Options). Go to Security, click Add, type in your username *exactly* as it's set (eg. "My Name"), hit Ok. You can now browse the folder and get sizes, etc.

That should show you where the space is going. Note that you can't delete any of the files in that directory without giving yourself Full Access in Security, not that you need to anyway. Deleting anything from that directory might just cause System Restore to go belly-up. Better to change it (right-click My Computer, System Restore, set the size you want).

Hope that helped!
